Tibet on Foot: A Walking Tour with Snapshots

The walk-through is the same as usual up until you reach the hut with the two thugs and the snowmobile. (If you're stuck or unfamiliar with the territory, see Stella's Tomb Raider Site - Home of the Definitive Tomb Raider Walk-throughs.) I haven't noted every pickup in this document, but if you're afraid you might miss something, the real walk-through gives all the details.

After killing the guys at the hut and picking up the dragon statue near the barred passage to the right of the hut, hike into the cave on the left. After a while you'll meet another bad guy. Kill him and continue to the large open area with the ramps. Climb up on the wall on the far side of the area and jump to grab the small doorway in the wall. (This is to the left of the opening with the two gray blocks.) Follow the passageway to a cave where you'll need to kill two leopards.

Go on until you reach a chasm. Jump across on the right side where the gap is smaller. In case you're not in the habit of doing this anyway, you'll need to set up the jump carefully. Walk Lara up to the edge then hop back once. Run and jump, then press Action at the last minute to grab the opposite ledge. (See screenshot 1, below.) Pull up and keep walking.

Tibet on Foot - Screenshot 1

Screenshot 1

Soon you'll reach an area with a gap in the center and a path on each side. Go to the right, following the path until you come to a dead end. Climb the ice ladder and pull the switch to open a gate ahead. Climb back down and prepare to kill 2 goons, one on the other side of the chasm, one approaching on the path. Make a U-turn, follow the path to the left and take a simple running jump to clear the gap. Go through the gate you just opened, head down a ramp through a tunnel, then over a high, narrow path, where you'll meet another bad guy.

After this you'll come to the big gap, which can only be crossed using the snowmobile. Instead, jump to the ledge on the right of the opening, take the green dragon, turn and kill the 2 leopards on the ramp, then climb down the ice ladder to the canyon floor. 3 more leopards await. When they're dead, climb up the ladder to the opening on the other side. (See screenshots 2 and 3, red arrows, below.)

Tibet on Foot - Screenshot 2

Screenshot 2

Tibet on Foot - Screenshot 3

Screenshot 3

Ahead is a large chasm with snowballs perched above. Walk out toward the right side of the opening and let the snow roll. Jump to the slope above the ice ladder (where the snowballs just passed), slide back and grab the edge (see screenshot 4, below, blue arrow). Climb down the ladder as far as you can, release and grab the ledge below. Pull up and take the drawbridge key. Go down into the small opening and kill the thug behind the ice wall. Go into the next room, trip the dangling icicles and pull the switch to open the gate. Climb back up the ice ladder to the opening near the big gap and return to the snowball area. (See screenshot 3, above, blue arrow.)

Tibet on Foot - Screenshot 4

Screenshot 4

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Walk-through text copyright © 1998 Stellalune. All rights reserved. Feel free to copy, distribute and quote this walk-thru, but please include this credit line so people can send me their corrections, comments and suggestions. Also, if you'd like to offer this on your own web site, kindly ask permission first. To give me your feedback, send e-mail to stellalune@earthlink.net. Screenshots from Tomb Raider II copyright © 1997 Eidos Interactive. All rights reserved.