The Great Wall |
Items: 14 |
Secrets On
Kills: 23 |
This level starts with Lara dropping into a cave and sliding down some rocks until she reaches the bottom. Run forward and she will see the helicopter fly past above. Continue forward and turn right when Lara reaches the pool. Wade into the pool and continue until Lara must tread water. Turn left and head toward the back corner. Exit the pool and get Lara to climb up onto the rock wall. Draw pistols and pick off the tiger (1) that appeared when Lara entered the pool. Continue along the rock ledge until Lara reach the end and face her toward the pillar of stone diagonally in front of her and to the right. Take a standing jump forward onto the stone column, and turn to the right and take another standing jump diagonally to the rock ledge. Run along the rock ledge until she reach the end and climb up onto the stone block. Reverse when Lara is on the stone block and take a running jump across the gap to the stone ledge across the way. Ready pistols and kill a second tiger (2) that has appeared below. Once the tiger is dead, continue forward. |
Turn Lara to the right and take a standing jump across the gap. Run forward and and pick up SECRET #1, the Stone Dragon (1). Turn around and return to the ledge Lara just crossed and jump across. | ||
Climb the three stone steps. Then walk forward onto the slanted
slope. Turn and face left and take a running jump across the gap to
the ledge on the other side. Climb up to the hole above and enter the
room. Walk over to the metal grate and allow Lara to fall in.
Lara will then land in a pool of water below. Turn her around and exit the water at the base of the stairs. Run up the stairs and take a running jump and grab the ledge at the end. Throw the switch which will open the door. Safety drop to the water below, and return to the doorway. |
Guardhouse Key
Ready pistols move forward slowly. Three ravens (3, 4, 5)will appear, so kill them quickly. (sidetrack) When all three are dead, continue
forward until Lara comes to a breach in the wall. Run forward and
allow Lara to slide down into the pool below. Swim to the right where
there is a dark green tunnel. Swim to the end to obtain the
Guardhouse Key (2). Surface and exit the
water somewhere away from the tiger (6)
that is now prowling around. Ready pistols and kill the tiger.
Facing the breach in the wall, run over to the tall mound on the right side of the breach and grab the edge of the wall to get Lara back onto the wall. Unlock the door with the key and ready pistols. Side step in front of the doorway, but before entering kill a spider (7) to the left of the ladder, and a spider (8) in the dark area to the right. Now enter the guardhouse slowly and another spider (9) will descend from the stairs. Kill it and run up the stairs. Face the top of the ladder and jump up and down in place to kill the fourth spider (10) at the top of the ladder. Return down the stairs and climb up the ladder. |
Rusty Key
At the top of the ladder, pick up the Rusty Key (3), and then climb back down the ladder.
Unlock the door with the key Lara just picked up. Ready pistols and
walk forward cautiously. Three spiders (11, 12,
13) will drop from the ceiling. Charge into the room and kill
them quickly, and then reverse to find a fourth spider (14) sneaking up behind Lara. When all four are
dead, pick up the large Medi Pack (4) and
shotgun shells (5) from off the skeleton,
then continue forward. When Lara reaches the block, pull it once to reveal the passage behind it. Enter the passage and slide down the ramp. Lara will find herself at the edge of a pool of water. Step forward into the pool, but do not cross through the water. Instead, face left and jump up and grab the crevice and shimmy across the room as sharp blades shoot out of the walls below Lara. When Lara reaches the other side of the room, drop into the water, turn all the way around and swim below two more slits in the walls that are shooting more blades down the length of the pool, and exit in the corner of the pool. Now begins a non-stop action sequence, so pay attention. Run down the hallway with the collapsing floors. When Lara exits the tunnel, a door will close behind her. Immediately turn right and start running. Two boulders will be unleashed and be hot on Lara's tail. Continue running forward staying to the left side of the hallway. Either stop just short of the spikes and take a standing jump over the spikes and land on a ramp and slide down into the room below [if Lara performs a running jump from that close, she will miss the ramp and take significant damage when she lands below], or take the running jump while still farther away. The latter can be slightly more difficult because Lara must not be too close to the spikes, but also not be too far away, and end up impaling herself on the spikes. Upon landing in the room below, immediately take a side jump to the left 1 and grab the Auto-Pistol clips (6), then take a standing jump and grab the ledge of the tunnel in front of Lara as two spiked walls begin to close in. Try to aim Lara s jump such that she grabs the right side of the ledge and after pulling up into the tunnel and take a couple of steps forward [if Lara does not take that last step, the spiked wall will inflict damage]. Next run down the next hallway with collapsing floors and horizontal swinging blades. Simply time a couple of running jumps over the horizontal blades as Lara approaches them. |
Upon taking the final jump to avoid the last blade, turn slightly to the left in midair, and Lara should land practically on top SECRET #2, the Jade Dragon (7). Pick it up and without hesitation continue forward to avoid the spiked walls that are closing in. | ||
After Lara runs past the pair of spiked walls, she will move down
another hallway that has spiked walls on the left side. If Lara keeps
herself against the right wall, she should be fine. When she reaches
the end of the hall, turn around and slide down the ramp backward, and
safety drop into the room below. Immediately, take a side jump to the
right to land on a collapsing floor tile and drop into the room below
to avoid another spiked wall that is closing in. Turn right and walk forward toward the rolling blades. Approach and pick up the small Medi Pack (8). Lara should be just clear of the spike on the rolling blade. When the first rolling blade rolls completely past, run forward and slightly to the left to avoid both blades and ready pistols as Lara enters the large cavern. Run forward toward the the far left corner of the cavern. The first spider (15) will descend from the ceiling. Kill it quickly and reverse direction. A second spider (16) will be on the ground near the edge of the canyon. Walk slowly toward the handle of the rope slide and face left and sidestep toward the edge of the canyon. Two more spiders (17, 18) will drop from the ceiling. After killing them, turn all the way around and walk toward the opposite wall. The last spider (19) will appear on the floor, so kill it. |
Walk forward toward the edge of the canyon, to the right of the rope
slide, and have Lara look down. She should see a stone ledge with
green moss below her. Safety drop down to that ledge. When she is on
that ledge, have her jump and grab the ledge above her and shimmy to
the right until she can pull herself up. Walk forward and turn left.
Continue forward and pick up the Flares (9). Continue forward until she reaches a deep
hole with a ladder on the wall to the left. Lara can light a flare
and drop it down the hole, but it's not necessary to see what she's
doing. Turn and face the ladder, and get Lara to climb onto the
Have her climb sideways and then descend to the very bottom of the ladder. Do not release the action key until Lara is dangling off the bottom of the ladder, otherwise Lara will plummet to her death. When Lara is at the bottom, have her exit the the tunnel and run forward toward the two skeletons. When she passes the second skeleton, the ground will begin to shake which should give Lara a clue in on what's about to happen. Immediately reverse direction and run back toward the tunnel Lara came out of, jumping along to increase speed. Once Lara is safely back in the tunnel, ready pistols and take pot shots at the T-Rex (20) that is thumping around outside. Once the T-Rex is dead, exit the tunnel, cross the canyon floor, and grab SECRET #3, the Gold Dragon(10), a small Medi Pack (11), two grenades (12, 13), and a grenade launcher (14), that is tucked in a alcove. Ready pistols and exit the tunnel. A second T-Rex (21) will appear, so have back flip herself back to the safety of the alcove and again take pot shots at the second T-Rex. Once the second T-Rex is dead, exit the tunnel, and cross the canyon floor back to the tunnel Lara came in from and climb the ladder all the way to the top of the long stone shaft. At the top, safety drop down the the short hole to find Lara back at the ledge with the rope slide. |
Stand in front of the rope slide and press the action key. Lara will
slide down the rope, but release as soon as Lara clears the canyon
before the rope slide takes Lara all the way to to bottom.
Immediately ready pistols and take out the tiger (22) that's roaming around. Take a few steps
forward and a second tiger (23) will
emerge from a dark tunnel. Kill the second tiger, and enter the
tunnel the tiger emerged from. Don't bother lighting a flare in the
dark tunnel, because it's short and uninteresting. Enter the tunnel
and turn right. Continue forward until Lara reaches a cave with a
campfire. Don't bother with anything in the room, particularly the campfire. Cross the room to the door to exit this level and watch an informative little cut scene. |
In order of appearance: | ||
1 Stone Dragon 1 Guardhouse Key 1 Rusty Key 1 Large Medi Pack 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Automatic Pistol Clip 1 Jade Dragon 1 Small Medi Pack 1 Flares 1 Gold Dragon 2 Grenades 1 Grenade Launcher 1 Small Medi Pack 14 Total |
2 tigers 3 ravens 1 tiger 4 spiders 4 spiders 5 spiders 2 T-Rex 2 tigers 23 Total |