
Level 1
Level 2

Level 2

Temple of the Cat
Items: 63
Secrets: 4 (On)
Kills: 42
The Temple of the Cat may give you significant grief. Getting stuck seems to be the norm. Use these hints to move you along.
It's a Pull!
Don't know why this was such a mystery. Maybe because low screen resolutions hides the lever, but the lever to open the trapdoor is right behind you.
Stocking Up
There's lots of ammo to be had out in the desert, but watch out for those boulders. You did notice all those boulders didn't you? Grab and jump will be key.
No Stone Unturned
Even blocks that don't do anything should be pushed. There are usually items underneath them. I kid you not, when I say, "Leave no stone unturned."
Dive! Dive!
You need two keys to get into the temple. One is in a nearby pool. The other is in the building adjacent to the temple. The way into the building will require an investigation of the steps of the temple's pyramid.
Keys Please?
Two of the keys are right in the pool area with the animated running cat bas relief. Two keys are near the fenced archway above the pool area. Where is that last key? Stand in front of the archway and look down through the fence.
It's the Pits
After the five keys is used to open the golden door, there will be a series of puzzle pits. The first can be tricky if you don't realize that you can reach the crevice from the alcove with the small medi pack. A simple jump and grab will do it. You're looking for a lever.
Dropping in for Dinner
The next pit is an underwater puzzle. It's very easy to get disoriented down there. Don't be surprised, it was designed that way. Its also quite easy to get eaten by a croc. Try to lure it out and kill it first, so you can take your time to explore the underwater area. If you really have trouble, follow this simple piece of advice, get to the outside wall and follow it, swimming clockwise. Sooner or later you'll find what you're looking for: another lever. If you take the time to explore the chambers slowly, you will realize that the lever is quite near.
Face Off
We're not talking about that movie with John Travolta and Nicholas Cage, but you will need to do a little double-gun blasting action. There's double doors that need opening. There are only two images of pharaoh on the floor. And speaking of pairs of things, there are two levers in the next room that need pulling.
Ever Get that Feeling...
Eight panther mummies just lined up waiting to rip you to shreds. It can really be a downer after thinking you're going party with your new Uzis! Don't fret. Collect everything you find in the first room. They only come to life when you run around in the sandy room beyond. Just explore slowly, and only one or two of them will attack at a time. Oh, remember that there are eight of them. Don't let down your guard until you know what happens to all of them.
Stairway to Nowhere
For your information, the ground at the floor of the room with the golden stairway is instant death. Your goal is the room behind the cat statue across from the stairway. Look around carefully. There is a way to cross the gap, but don't just look across, also look down.
Step Up
All that climbing, jumping, shooting and swimming to open a door and a couple of trapdoors. Now you're up in a little room with another trapdoor with no way to open it. Just climb onto the block in the middle of the room with the image of pharaoh on it.
Game Show
Which will it be? Will you take what's behind door number one? Door number two? Or door number three? The choice you make does make a difference. For a clue, look at the blocks above the doors.
Round and Round She Goes
Once inside, you will find yourself at the base of an enormous statue of a cat. Run around the base all you like, all the fun begins when you find the block at the back of the base. Be aware that a mummy guards the area in back of the statue.
Hey! Behind You
Don't know if you'll have trouble with this, but I thought I'd mention it anyways. Trying to climb up inside the cat statue? Turn around and look up.
Walk This Way
Two jumps gets you from the cat statue to a ledge that runs around the perimeter of the room. It will be obvious that you will need to make your way counterclockwise around the room, but keep those guns ready. Remember this: That blue ledge is a "safety" ledge for more than on reason.
Jump This Way
After the stairs up to the pillars, it's a matter of a series of jumps to cross the pillars and stone structures in the middle of the room. The direction to go is still counterclockwise. A few places may give you grief. For example, you cannot directly jump from the stone structure to the pillar with the small medi pack. You need to take a slight detour. At the taller pillar, you can climb to the highest ledge that runs the perimeter of the room. Just watch out for the mummy up there. Be careful because it's a long way down.
Scratching Your Head
Trying to figure out how to get from the upper ledge to the head of the cat statue can leave you scratching your head. There's a pillar that you can climb to. There's also a ledge on the cat statue's head that you can reach. "Here's looking at you, kid!"
A Big Juicy Raspberry
"Phbtphbtphbtphbtphbtp!" How to get down to the cat's big tongue? Safety drop down it's nose!