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Living Quarters |
Items: 14 |
Kills: 21 |
Swim forward into the opening in the rusty hull and immediately make a
hair pin turn to the left to find an underwater lever. If Lara isn't
careful and swims too far forward, she will be drawn up into a current
that drags her away from the lever to the opposite end of the cavern.
Pull the lever to open a trapdoor, and do a flip turn and swim forward
and up to surface in the trapdoor that Lara just opened. Turn around and exit the water. Turn left and head toward the opposite end of the room. After Lara crosses the first rib of the ship, a thug (1) will appear from a passageway ahead. Back flip while firing to take him down. Then collect a small Medi Pack (1) from his body. Enter the doorway and turn left and run to the opposite end of the room, taking a jump onto the low platform on the right. Turn right and climb up onto the machinery. Lara will look up at a lever high up on a high ledge ahead. Run forward and drop down the other side of the engine. Run forward into the tunnel on the opposite side of the engine, and enter the narrow passageway within. Once inside, run forward, following the passageway's winding to the left, and then turn right when the passageway opens to a wider area. In the tunnel below there is a raised step to the left. Drop down to the upper step and turn right to face the other end of the tunnel. Ready weapons and take a standing jump forward. First a thug (2) will appear from the tunnel beyond. Take him out and wait a for a rig worker (3) to appear. Back up and jump back to the step and continue jumping up and down to avoid the wrench wielding thug or the blasts of the rig worker. When both are dead, collect harpoons (2) from the thug and clips (3)for the automatics, but be careful not to exit this tunnel. Lara will get the harpoon gun and a pair of automatic pistols here, instead of the ammunition, if she is not carrying one or both of them yet. Now take a step out of the tunnel unto the intersecting tunnel, and immediately hop back into the tunnel and ready pistols. Barrels will come crashing down the ramp and come to a stop at the end of this tunnel, which will alert another thug (4) of Lara's presence. Kill him and proceed past the barrels, and up the left side of the ramp in the next room. More barrels will roll harmlessly down the right side of the ramp. At the very top of the ramp, just before Lara reaches the flat platform, turn right and take a running jump and grab the ledge above the flames. Shimmy to the right until it is safe to release. Then drop down, and turn right. Run forward and pull the lever to extinguish the flames. Now turn left and jump up and grab onto the ledge and pull up to the next room. Turn right run forward to the ladder. Climb up to the next passageway. Turn right and run forward to the end of the passageway to a room with a hole in the floor and a lever. Pull the lever to move the huge pistons in the engine room, then hop backwards and drop into the hole. Run forward and to the right, hopping up onto the step, and then climbing back up onto the engine. Walk up to the flat part of the engine, and then turn left and walk to the edge. Take a standing jump and grab to reach the first piston. Walk forward to the edge and take another standing jump to land on the second piston. Walk to the edge of the second piston and take one step backward. Perform a standing jump down to the third piston. Then walk forward and take a standing jump and grab to reach the fourth piston. Ready weapons and run forward and take a running jump to reach to finally reach the ledge on the opposite side of the room. Enter the tunnel and turn left. Run forward, but not to the end of the tunnel. A rig worker (5) will appear, so kill him while back flipping back down the passageway, and jump up and down to avoid his shotgun blasts. Once he's dead, pick up more clips (4) for the automatics from his body, and continue down the tunnel, turning left at the end. Run forward down the slope and to the right, and then angle to the left and run forward down the next slope. Run forward and to the right and step up to find a crate. Push the crate forward three times to reveal, first a shaft to the left and then a tunnel. Do not drop down into the hole, but rather turn left and enter the dark tunnel. Run forward, then turn left and step down, to find another crate. Push this crate forward once to reveal the other side of the shaft, and now drop down the hole. Lara will find herself back in the room that controls the positions of the pistons. Raise the lever to return the pistons to their original positions, and then turn around and walk back to the alcove that Lara just dropped in from. Turn right and climb back up the shorter side of the shaft and turn right and spiral back to the other side of the shaft. Run forward, up the slope, angling to the left and then to the right. Run forward and to the right to return to the tunnel, and then continue to the end of the tunnel and turn right to return to the ledge in the engine room. |
Once on the ledge turn to the left to find SECRET #1, the stone dragon (5). Take an angled running jump and grab to reach the platform. Grab the dragon, and turn around and carefully aim Lara at the ledge, and take a running jump and grab to return to the ledge. Turn left and face the pistons. | ||
Take a running jump to reach the first piston. Walk forward to the
edge and take a standing jump and grab to reach the second piston.
Step forward to the middle of the piston and take a standing jump down
to the third piston. Walk forward to the edge again and take a
standing jump to reach the last piston. Now walk forward and to the right until Lara is on the corner of the piston, and turn and face the switch on the right. Take a running jump and grab, through the middle of the loop of chains, to reach the ledge with the lever. Pull the lever to flood the room with the barrels and flames and to shift the position of the pistons again. Turn around and carefully take a running jump through the loop of chain to land back on the last piston. Take a standing jump down to the engine, and then drop to the floor of the engine room on the right side of the engine. Run forward into the tunnel, back down the narrow tunnel that snakes to the left. At the end of the tunnel, drop into the water. Swim to the right down the tunnel, and then turn left back into the flame room. Once inside the room, take a hairpin turn to the right and pull the underwater lever to open the door. Reverse and swim into the doorway Dive down into the hole to meet a scuba diver (6) that is swimming around in the waters below. Lara can eliminate him with harpoons, but the safest thing to do, if she's running out of air, is to immediately take a hard left to find a hole in the roof of this cavern that leads to an air pocket. Surface, exit the water, and draw pistols to take out the diver. |
Giant Sea Snake
Swim down and to the right into the irregularly shaped opening near
the lump of metal on floor. Once inside the opening, turn left and
swim along the ceiling of the underwater tunnel. There is a lever
ahead, but there is also a giant sea snake to the right of the lever
hidden in the darkness. Lara will be unable to kill this creature, so
treat it as another hazard. Swim up along the ceiling of the underwater tunnel to avoid the serpent's bites, and pull the lever to open an underwater trapdoor outside. Rotate to the left and swim up along the ceiling of the tunnel and to the right to avoid the snake as Lara exits. Swim back down the tunnel and exit through the opening on the right. Immediately swim upwards, being careful to avoid getting tangled in the seaweed, and surface through the trapdoor that was just opened. Ready pistols and turn around and face the ducts above. Take out a rig worker (7) that's running around on the ducting above. After he's dead, stand in front of any one of the green slopes that leads to a raised platform in the middle of the room, above the large crankshaft and gears. Take a standing jump up to the platform, and walk to the right end of the platform. Pull the lever to open the door on the opposite end of the platform. Reverse and run forward to enter the doorway. Upon entering the room, walk in a semicircle to the right and turn all the way around to find two levers on the wall. The levers raise two timed platforms on the other side of the room. Pull the levers in order, first pulling the one on the right, and then sidestepping to the left to pull the one on the left. After pulling the second lever, reverse direction, and take a running jump and grab to reach the platform. Shimmy to the right until Lara can pull up into a short passageway. Run forward and pull the lever to drop another platform outside. Drop to the floor, and then turn around and run diagonally across the room to the right. There is a slight slope in the floor. Use it to climb back up to the the ledge above. Exit the room, and slide down any of the slopes to the left. Cross the room to the right to the corner with the open platform. Stand with Lara's back against the higher slope, and take a standing jump up to the lower slope. Either allow Lara to slide backward down the slope a little, and press the jump key to take a back flip off the slope or just press and hold the jump key to let Lara bounce around under the ledge a while until she bumps herself far enough down the slope to take a back flip. With the jump key still depressed, Lara will take a second jump off the higher slope. Press the action key to grab the ledge and pull up. Reverse direction and take a running jump over the gap to the ducting on the other side. Walk forward and turn right and continue up the duct, past the little bend to the right, to the other side of the room. Turn left and pull the crate once. After pulling the block, sidestep to the left until Lara is in the corner. Turn left and take one step back and take a diagonal standing jump over the corner back to the sloped part of the duct. Turn right and walk to the corner of the duct and take a step back. Take a diagonal jump over to the alcove that Lara just created by pulling the block back. Turn and face the wall and hop off the ledge backward, grabbing the duct. Shimmy to the left until Lara is past the obstruction and can pull up. Reverse and walk away from the back wall to the edge of the ducting. Take a standing jump to reach the duct above. Pull up and run forward to the other end of the duct and turn right. Step out of the duct and slide down the duct below. Turn left and run across the ducts1, past the bend to the left, and up to the opposite end of the room. Turn left and take a running jump from the duct across to the ledge. Enter the hallway and turn right. Run down the slope and turn left. Ready pistols as a thug (8) emerges from the first passage on the right. Hop back to the sloping hallway and use back flips once in the hallway to keep distance between her and the thug. Once the thug is dead run back down the slope. |
Turn right and run down the first hallway to the right. At the end of the hallway is a hole in the floor where Lara can see shards of broken glass that is blocking her path to SECRET #2, the gold dragon (6). Walk to the area to the left and turn and face the hole. Take a standing jump and grab to pull up into the darkness above. This dark room has a collapsible floor tile in the right back corner, set off the floor tile, then safety drop into the hole, taking minimal damage. Grab the gold dragon and walk forward through the broken glass. Jump up and pull out of this room, and run back up the hallway to the main room and turn right. | ||
Run forward and turn right down the second, wider hallway. Run down the hallway and turn left at the other end. Slide down the ramp, taking a jump over some broken floor tiles, which conceal a broken glass trap. Continue sliding down to the bottom of the ramp. Turn and run to the left and ready pistols. Kill a barracuda (9). Now it's safe to step into the pool. | |||
Set off the broken floor tile along the right wall, and immediately exit the water. Ready pistols and take out a second barracuda (10). Once the barracuda is dead, swim down into the hole and forward into the underwater tunnel. Follow the tunnel and turn right and swim upward. Upon exiting the tunnel, turn left and swim down to pick up SECRET #3, the jade dragon (7), along with four sets of M-16 clips (8, 9, 10, 11). Reverse, and swim back up and to the right to enter the tunnel. Swim forward and to the left to return to the surface. | ||
Vault out the pool by way of the narrow hallway and run forward up the
slope and toward the depression in the middle of the floor on the far
side of the room. Standing against the slanted wall, and turn and
face left. Walk forward to the corner and take a single step back.
Aim Lara such that a standing jump will land her in the left far
corner of the flat floor between the two sloping areas of floor. That
the standing jump and keep the jump key depressed so that Lara can
take a jump in place, and grab the crevice above. If the floor breaks
away before Lara can take the second jump, turn around and take a
diagonal standing jump to the left to reach the area behind the sloped
wall. Run to the back wall adjacent to the slanted wall and turn
around to take a running jump and grab to reach the same
crevice. Shimmy to the right until Lara can stand up. Run forward across the sloped room and drop into the passageway on the other side of the room. Ready pistols and step forward and turn right. Run forward into the next room, and a rig worker (11) will descend the ramp on the right. Open fire and take a jump back into the hallway and continue jumping up and down. He should drop long before he gets off a shot. Continue forward and turn right and run up the ramp, turning left at the top. Ready weapons and turn left and sidestep into the doorway. Look to the left to the floor below. There is a rig worker (12) running around below. Kill him before entering the room. After dispatching the rig worker, continue forward to the other end of the room and turn left to find a crate in the hall. Pull the crate once, and turn around and run back to the right and stand in front of the banister. Take a standing jump over the banister and ready weapons. Step forward until another rig worker (13) appears from the left. Begin firing while jumping around to avoid his shotgun blasts. When he's dead, proceed forward to the room with the columns and a large pit to the left. A thug (14) will climb out of the pit. Take him down, while back flipping away. After the thug is dead, run forward and drop into the pit. Run to the lowest part of the pit and turn left. In the corner is a crate. Pull on it once to pull it away from the wall. As soon as Lara pulls the crate back, another rig worker (15) will arrive, so ready weapons turn left and jump around while firing to make Lara a poor target. |
Theatre Key
After the this guy is dead, climb on top of the crate that Lara just
pulled out and drop down the other side. Pick up the Theatre Key
(12) that was hidden behind the crate.
Now turn around and climb back onto the crate. Turn right and take a
standing jump and grab to get out of the pit. Run forward and turn right. Run forward and turn left, entering the hallway with the red carpeted steps up. At the top of the steps, turn left and drop down to the floor below. Turn right and run toward the far end of the hallway while readying weapons. A thug (16) will appear from the left. Kill him while back flipping away. Once he is dead, use the theatre key on the lock on the left wall to open the theatre doors. Ready weapons and enter the theatre. Turn left and run up the stairs on the left and charge two thugs (17, 18)2 that are running around the theatre. Keep jumping to avoid their attacks, and try to stay on the left side of the theatre while fighting the two thugs. After dispatching the two thugs, face the right side of the theatre, to find a rig worker (19) running around in a private screening booth. Approach him and open fire once he is in range and take a back flip away to stay out of his range. When he's dead, walk across the theatre on the second row of chairs from the top. When Lara reaches the other side of the theatre, she should be just to the left of the booth. Ready weapons and take a diagonal standing jump up and to the left to get to the booth, and immediately take a back flip out of the booth. A thug (20) will appear from within the booth, and Lara can pop him from the safety of the theatre seats. Once the thug is dead, jump back up to the booth and collect a set of Uzi clips (13) from the rig worker Lara killed earlier. If Lara is not carrying the Uzis, she will receive them instead. Turn right and run to the other end of the room and flip the switch on the right wall to open the curtains on stage. Turn around and exit the booth and drop back to the theatre floor. Run down to the stage and enter the area behind the curtain. Turn left and run to the end of the curtained area to find a crate. Pull the crate once, then climb up onto it. Turn left and climb up onto the wall above. Light a flare and drop down to the stage floor. Turn left and walk forward, taking a jump over a pit of broken glass. Run forward and press the button to flood the pit that formerly held the theatre key. Turn around and walk back, taking another jump over the broken glass. Climb onto the platform, and turn right and climb back up onto the wall. Drop down the other side, and turn right to drop down off the crate. Run forward back on stage, and turn left and head back up to the theatre exit. Wait at the entrance to the theatre. If a rig worker (21) has not already appeared from the hallway ahead and to the right, he will shortly. Take him down and collect some shotgun shells (14) from him. If the shotgun is not in Lara's possession, she will find it here. Exit the theatre, and run up the hallway, turning right and running down the steps. Turn right and run forward back to the pit, which is now flooded. Dive into the water and surface on the opposite side at the doorway. Pull up out of the water and run forward to exit this level. |
In order of appearance: | ||
1 Small Medi Pack 1 Harpoons 1 Automatics Clips 1 Automatics Clips 1 Stone Dragon 1 Gold Dragon 1 Jade Dragon 4 M-16 Clips 1 Theatre Key 1 Uzi Clips 1 Shotgun Shells 14 Total |
1 thug 1 thug 1 rig worker 1 thug 1 rig worker 1 scuba diver 1 rig worker 1 thug 1 barracuda 1 barracuda 1 rig worker 1 rig worker 1 rig worker 1 thug 1 rig worker 1 thug 2 thugs 1 rig worker 1 thug 1 rig worker 21 Total |