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Wreck of the Maria Doria |
Items: 41 |
Kills: 35 |
Start this level by running forward and following the tunnel to the
left. Drop into the water, and immediately perform a flip turn to
surface back through the hole and exit the water. Ready pistols and
take out a scuba diver (1). After he's
dead, drop into the water and swim down and to the left to pick two
sets of harpoons (1, 2) on the floor of
the underwater room. If Lara is not yet carrying the harpoon gun, she
will receive it here with one set of harpoons instead. Swim through the tunnel, surfacing in the next room, and pick up a large Medi Pack (3) nearby. Now make sure Lara's health is at the maximum before proceeding. Turn around and slide down the ramp backwards and hang off the bottom of the slope. Then safety drop to the floor below. The collapsing floor will break away, causing Lara to fall further, taking significant damage when she hits the ground. Little wonder what that big Medi Pack was for. Reverse directions and ready weapons. Walk forward until a thug (2) and a crewman (3) appears through the doorway ahead. Kill them and collect two small Medi Packs (4, 5) from the crewman and Automatics clips (6) from the crewman. If Lara does not have the automatic pistols, she will receive it here instead of the clips. Then continue past the diving board into the next room. |
Upon entering the room, immediately turn left and walk toward the dark corner behind the overturned lounge chairs. Light a flare and turn around and take a jump up to the tunnel above. Run forward into the tunnel and turn right. Ready weapons, dropping the flare, to take out a rig worker (4) ahead of her. After downing him, continue forward, with guns still drawn, until just before Lara reaches a hole in the floor. Quickly reverse roll and a second rig worker (5) will appear from behind, so take him out too. After both are dead, continue to the end of the passage, and drop into the room below. Step forward and grab SECRET #1, the stone dragon (7). Jump up and grab to pull back up into the passageway. Run forward down the passageway, turning left and drop back down to the room below. | ||
Run forward into the room. In the far right corner, Lara will find a
dark greenish block that is movable. Pull the block once to the left
away from the corner to reveal two more blocks behind it. Run around
to the other side and push it once more so that it blocks the
passageway on the left. Now stand in front of the block and push it
twice into the passageway. Now return to the dark corner with the two remaining blocks and pull the left block once so that is out of the passageway, and then pull it to the left once to reveal a passageway that leads to a lounge with many overturned tables, which should be ignored for now. Instead run around and push the block once to the left so that it is in front of the passageway that Lara stashed the first block in, and get in front of the block and push this block into the passageway as well. Pull the remaining block out twice to reveal a passageway to a ballroom. Run down the passageway to the right that leads to the ballroom. The passageway turns left and ends at a drop. Reverse roll and drop down to the floor backwards. Immediately pull up again and draw powerful weapons and charge forward to take out a thug (6) that was sneaking up on Lara. Continue back toward the swimming pool and reverse roll to take out a second thug (7) that will have emerged from the ballroom. After both are dead, collect a large Medi Pack (9) from one of the thugs. Return to the passageway and drop down down to the floor. Draw weapons and track down a rig worker (8) that was alerted when Lara dropped down earlier. Be careful upon entering the ballroom, because there is pile of broken glass directly ahead of the entrance to the ball room. Be aware of a crewman (9) on the second level of the ballroom take pot shots at Lara if she comes into range. Take him out and when the room is clear collect a box of flares (8) from the dead rig worker. |
Rest Room Key
Run across the ballroom to the right side, where there is a passageway
in the back wall. When Lara enters that room, walk carefully forward
and to the right past the field of broken glass. When she is on the
side of the hole without any glass, face the hole squarely, and take a
hop backward. Run forward, allowing Lara to drop to the passageway
ahead and below. Run forward and pick up the Rest Room Key (10). Reverse, and walk back to the opening of this passage, and take a standing jump and grab to exit the hole. Walk around to the left, through the field of broken glass, and return to the ballroom. Run back across the ballroom to the left entrance, and exit the ballroom, and climb back up to the tunnel Lara first dropped in from. Run forward and take the right. When Lara reaches the intersection of the passageways, turn right and run forward down the passageway to the lounge. To the far right corner, past all the upturned tables and chairs, there is the lock in which Lara can use the rest room key. Run forward and step around the chair in front of the lock, and open the door nearby. Enter the small rest room, and push the button to open the door across that is opposite the rest room. Immediately reverse directions, ready weapons, and step forward to take out another thug (10) that charges out of that doorway. Cross the lounge, enter the doorway, and press the button to open a doorway on the second level of the ballroom, then turn around and run back across the lounge to the bathroom and press the button to close the double doors, which will be useful in the near future. Return to the ballroom via the passage ahead and to the left. Enter the ballroom, and run forward to the far right corner of the ballroom. There is an inclined part of the floor that allows Lara to jump up and grab the balcony. Climb up on the balcony and walk around to the left. Turn and face away from the edge of the balcony, and hang off the edge. Shimmy to the left until Lara is on the left side of the two walls. Pull up and pick up some clips (11) for the automatics from the crewman that Lara took down earlier. |
Circuit Breaker #1
Run to the left, along the right wall, until Lara reaches the
ornamental railing. Standing to the right of the railing, take a
running jump and grab to reach the opposite ledge, and pick up the
first Circuit Breaker (12). Turn around
and stand against the wall to take a running jump and grab to return
to the main part of the balcony. Run forward to the other end of the
balcony and safety drop off the front of the balcony and shimmy to the
right. Pull up when Lara is in between the two short walls. Vault up into the doorway that Lara opened earlier, and run forward through the next room. Turn left at the end of the room to find a hallway lined with doors. Lara can open the first bulkhead door on the left, but with a little exploring, she will find that it is empty. Open the second bulkhead door on the right and safety drop into the room. Reverse and step forward into the room. To the right, Lara will find a rusty steel crate. Pull it out twice and then climb over it and drop down on the other side. Push it once so that it is against the opposite wall. Run around to the right side and pull it once out of the corner, and then climb over it and drop down the other side and push it once to gain access the the switch above it. Climb onto the crate. Throw the switch to open the door above, and then turn right and pull the crate that is recessed in the wall out once. Climb up onto the crate, turn left and climb into the passageway. Ready weapons and drop down to another passageway ahead. Turn left and run forward down the hallway, turning left with the hallway. Run across the next room and enter the passage directly head. Follow the turn to the left and head up the ramp. Halfway up the ramp, a thug (11) will appear. Take him out, hopping backward and around the corner if necessary. |
Rusty Key
Continue up the ramp and drop into the room below. Run to the left
side of the crate in that room and pull it once away from the corner
of the room. Run around to where the crate once lay, and pick up the
Rusty Key (13) that was hidden beneath
it. Turn left and push the crate once more to gain access to the
lever in the wall above. Climb onto the crate and pull the lever to
open the door to the left. Drop off the crate and climb out of the
room to through the door Lara just opened. Turn right and run back down the hallway. Use the rusty key to open the locked door on the left. Safety drop into the room below. Turn left and pull the crate once away from the corner. Run around to the left side and pull the crate once more away from the wall into the middle of the room. Run around to the opposite side of the crate and push it once so that is is against the opposite wall. Climb onto the crate and, and pull the crate that is recessed in the left wall out twice. Climb up over the crate and drop down the other side. Behind the first crate, Lara will find a second crate. Push it once to reveal a passageway to the right. Turn right and enter the passageway, turning left and dropping to the floor below. Run forward down the hall and stop before Lara reaches the obvious broken floor tiles trap. If Lara falls through the floor, she will be burned alive by the burners below. But the trap is even more insidious, because as Lara crosses the broken floor tiles, barrels will begin to roll down from the slope on the right. Hug the right wall while running forward over the broken floor tiles, and Lara will arrive at the other side just after the first barrels have rolled past1. |
Before proceeding, turn right to find a passageway that leads up. Grab the passageway, and pull up, but immediately, hop backward out of the tunnel and then run forward and press Lara against the wall as another barrel rumbles down the sloped passageway and drops over Lara's head. Climb back up into the passageway and pick up SECRET #2, the jade dragon (14). Turn around and drop back down to the the floor below. | ||
Walk forward past the barrels, and turn and face the left wall just
past the barrels. Ready pistols, and take a side flip to the right. A
rig worker (12) is in the next room,
side flip back and forth taking shots at him until he's dead. When
it's safe, run forward and climb up into the next room. Run forward and drop through the hole in the grated floor to the lifeboat below. Reverse direction and drop into the water, and swim to the side of the room with the ladder. Next to the ladder is a underwater lever to open a timed door in the room above. Pull the lever, then reverse and swim up to the left side of the lifeboat and pull up out onto the middle part of it. Take a standing jump and grab and pull up to the room above. Run forward and pull up into the doorway and throw the switch inside to keep the door open. Now turn right and walk into the next room. After Lara enters the room the door will close behind her. Take a running jump over the slope and the trap door below, which will open to reveal a pit of broken glass. Keep the jump key depressed, and jump back and forth over the pit until the trap door closes. When the trap door is closed, it is safe to stop jumping and slide onto the trap door2. Turn left and climb up into the passage. At the end of the passage, pull the switch to open a door elsewhere, and then drop back down to the trap door. Turn right, walk to the base of the slope and take a standing jump over the slope and then run forward and turn left and drop back down to the room with the grated floor. Turn left and walk to the passage high in the back wall. Climb up and run forward and enter the passage on the right. Draw weapons but do not go beyond the doorway yet. As she approaches she should be able to lock onto the rig worker (13) on the upper level of the room. After killing him, step into the doorway but don't drop down into the room below, and patiently wait for two crewmen (14, 15) to come into range on the level below. When all are dead, step out of the passage and onto the upper level of the room. Run to the left side of the atrium to the collapsed area in the far left corner. Lara will find a button on the left wall. Push it to open a trapdoor that is on a timer. Reverse, and run to the right and then run all the way around the atrium, to the opposite side where there is a slightly sloped part of the balcony. Take a running jump at the open trapdoor and fall to the level below. |
Circuit Breaker #2
Turn right and run into the corner to pick up the second Circuit
Breaker (15). Standing on the corner
with the circuit breaker will open another timed trap door that, but
before leaving the area, reverse directions and run to the opposite
end of the room and press the button to drain water from the room with
the lifeboat, and pick up a small Medi Pack (16) off one of the dead crewmen. Return to the corner with the pressure plate to open the timed trap door. Turn and run along the back wall of the atrium and up onto the raised part of the floor. Grab and pull up to the level above. Run back to the right and exit this area through the doorway that Lara entered from. Run forward, going around the collapsed part of the room, turn left, and safety drop back to the room with the grated floor. |
Circuit Breaker #3
Safety drop down the hole onto the lifeboat below, taking some damage
when Lara lands. Open the bulkhead door and enter the passageway.
Enter the passageway, turn right and run up the ramp. At the top of
the ramp climb up to the rusty tunnel beyond. Run past a dark passage
that heads off to the left, and drop into the room below. By closing
the double doors earlier, Lara should have access to the third circuit
breaker (17). After grabbing the circuit
breaker, reverse directions and run to the opposite side of the doors
to find a button against the far wall. Press it to open a pair of
trap doors in the passageway above. Turn left and climb back up to the tunnel above. Run forward, and turn right at the dark passage. Light a flare if necessary for visibility. Run straight ahead and notice a short tunnel that leads to the right. Lara may drop down this trapdoor she has just opened, and face two enemies in the lounge, but it is better to just run straight ahead until Lara hits a wall. Climb up onto the next ledge, then run forward until Lara hits another wall. Climb up again and run forward until Lara drops through one of the open trapdoors back to the upper balcony of the ballroom. Drop to the lower floor. Ready pistols and reverse directions. A thug (16) will appear in the doorway on the right. Kill him and take two sets of harpoons (18, 19) from him. Run through the doorway to exit the ballroom, and climb up into the tunnel that leads to it. Ready weapons and run forward down the passage turning right at the bend. A crewman (17) will either be directly ahead or running around nearby. Kill him and collect Uzi clips (20) from his body. If Lara is not already carrying the Uzis she will receive a pair of them instead. Exit this area to the left and return to the swimming pool area, which was the beginning of this level. Run to the opposite end of the room, past the small changing rooms on the left, where there is a pool of water against the wall in the far right corner. Jump into the pool and swim down and to the left to grab a small Medi Pack (21). Continue swimming forward down the underwater passage, turning left at the end. Swim up and to the right to enter the next part of the passageway, and then swim along the passageway to the left. The tunnel ends, so swim upwards, to the left, and upwards again. Lara will find an underwater lever on the left wall. Pull it to open the trapdoor above, then turn right and continue swimming up, continuing to spiral right until Lara surfaces and can exit the water on the right. Immediately exit the water and ready weapons. Run forward and open fire on a thug (18), a crewman (19), and a rig worker (20). Collect a large Medi Pack (22) from the dead thug, Uzi clips (23) from the crewman, and two boxes of shotgun shells (24, 25) from the dead rig worker. If Lara is not packing the shotgun at this time, she will find one here with one box of shells instead. Walk back to the three flames. Do not approach the flames, but rather walk carefully to the right of the three flames, where Lara can use one of the circuit breakers. That turns of the adjacent flame. Sidestep until Lara is lined up with the second panel, and insert the next circuit breaker, which deactivates the next flame. Sidestep to the left some more until Lara can place the last circuit breaker into its receptacle to turn off the last flame. Now turn left and pull the steel crate out three times so that it is underneath an opening. Jump and climb up into the opening, and ready pistols. Walk forward carefully until a thug (21) appears from the right. Hop backward while firing at him, dropping to the crate below if necessary to avoid him. When he's dead, enter the room and pull the lever that is on right side of the back wall to lower the large tanks outside. Walk back to the opening that Lara climbed in from, and take a running jump to the first tank. Walk to the opposite edge and take a running jump and a grab to reach the next tank. Walk to the opposite edge and take a running jump and grab to reach the last tank. Take a running jump to reach the passageway in the opposite wall. Take a dive down the long shaft and land in the water below. This is a prime opportunity to try that forward somersault dive. After hitting the water do a flip turn and swim forward and surface in the passage beyond. Exit the water and ready pistols. Move forward down the slope until Lara reaches the shallow pool. Step into the water to lure out a barracuda (22) that's swimming around in the water. Wade into the water and make a hairpin turn to the right. In the alcove are two sets of harpoons (26, 27). Reverse directions and walk forward and turn left. Walk along the shallow end of the pool forward, past where Lara entered from, to the dark corner to the left. Light a flare to increase visibility. Toss the flare into the tunnel at the dark left corner. Climb up and ready pistols. Within moments, a thug (23) will arrive from the right. Open fire on him, but when he gets too close, hop back into the water. Put away pistols and climb back up after he's run away. Ready pistols and repeat until he's dead. Collect a small Medi Pack (28) from the dead thug. Follow the passage to the right and run forward and turn left when Lara reaches the bridge of the sunken ship. At the other end of the bridge, turn left and head down a dark tunnel and collect two sets of clips for the Automatics (29, 30) and turn around and head back to the bridge. Walk forward to the front of the bridge and turn left to the bulkhead door. Open the bulkhead doors and enter the room. Throw the switch on the right wall to open a timed door on the other side of the bridge. Turn around and run back across the bridge, being careful not to trip on the fallen object to the left of helm nor falling into the hole to the right. Enter the room and turn left to collect a box of flares (31). From there, turn right and push the steel crate forward once to reveal a switch. Throw the switch to open a trapdoor elsewhere. Turn around and exit this room. Run back across the front of the bridge, near the steering wheel and let the camera view change to show Lara's next objective: a key lying on the ocean floor outside. Then continue across the bridge, and turn left down the passageway with the flickering light. Angle to right and run down wide uneven tunnel to reach the trapdoor Lara opened earlier. It should be plainly obvious what's coming up next: a swim with the local fauna. With a great deal of patience, Lara can try to eliminate the fish before jumping in. This can be accomplished by standing to the left of the hole, facing the hinge of the trapdoor. Take a single step away from the edge of the pool and look down into the water. Ready pistols and fire at fish as they swim toward or away from Lara directly along the middle of the opening. Otherwise have Lara jump in and she'll have to do her best to avoid the two sharks (24, 25), and three barracudas (26, 27, 28). |
From the trapdoor, swim straight forward. After passing the end of the ship's hull, ignore the cavern to the right and continue until Lara reaches the opposite wall of this underwater cavern. There should be a shaft directly above, so surface in the room above to find SECRET #3, the gold dragon (32), two grenades (33, 34), and a grenade launcher (35). Drop back into the water and swim down and forward back towards the trapdoor. | ||
Cabin Key
When swimming from the trapdoor, turn right and swim forward,
following the rusty side of the sunken ship. The tunnel will widen
into a chamber, where Lara should turn right, continuing to follow the
side of the ship. The underwater chamber is shaped like torus (giant
doughnut). Swim until the windows of the bridge are on the right.
The Cabin Key (36) is lying among some
seaweed on the sea floor on the left. Turn around and swim back
along the windows of the bridge in order to head back to the trap
door, turning left and swimming downward to find the underwater
tunnel. Surface through the trap door and exit the water. Run back up the tunnel and head to the right toward the flickering lights. Turn right and run across the bridge to the dark passage on the other side. Turn right down the dark passage and use the cabin key that Lara just retrieved to open the cabin door. Enter the room, and turn right. Throw the switch on the left wall to open a trap door on the bridge. Exit the cabin, and return to the bridge. Drop down into the hole exposed by the trapdoor and push the steel crate once to the right to gain access to the switch above. Climb up onto the steel crate and throw the switch to open a trapdoor in the cabin. Turn around and run to the left and reenter the cabin. Climb up into the passageway above the cabin. Run forward and drop down to the floor below, ready pistols, and turn right. Run out to open ledge and turn around. There is a rig worker (29) and a crewman (30) running around on the level below. Take them out from the ledge above, using side flips along the wall to avoid getting hit by them. Safety drop down through the hole on the right side of the room to a flat part of the former ceiling below. Vault up to the other level and collect an M-16 clip (37) from the crewman and a small Medi Pack (38) from the dead rig worker. Run around to the back side of this level, where there is a passageway. Run inside and turn right. In the back corner, Lara will either find three M-16 clips or two clips and the M-16 assault rifle if Lara isn't already carrying it (39, 40, 41), so grab then and return to the atrium. In the water below are two scuba divers (31, 32). If they are in plain sight, Lara can try to pick them off from above, otherwise slide into the water and take them out with harpoons. Lara can also pull up onto the platforms with the shards of glass, to take out the divers with pistols, but she will suffer some damage from the glass Swim down to the barrels on the sea floor. To the left and below is an underwater tunnel. Further into the tunnel, Lara will find an underwater gauntlet of moray eels. Don't bother trying to fight them with harpoons, as they are stationary and will not pursue Lara. Don't think of them as enemies as much as they are hazards or traps. Just swim past them while avoiding their bites. Lure out two barracudas (33, 34) by swimming near the first eel and kill them either with harpoons or surface and climb out to kill them with pistols. Follow the underwater tunnel to the left, then immediately right, then forward and upward, then angle up and to the right and swim directly at the last eel where one more barracuda (35) awaits. If Lara is running out of air at this point she can surface in a small cave just past the last eel. Finally swim forward and upward into a large hole in the hull of a second part of this sunken wreck. |
In order of appearance: | ||
2 Harpoons 1 Large Medi Pack 2 Small Medi Packs 1 Automatics Clips 1 Stone Dragon 1 Flares 1 Large Medi Pack 1 Restroom Key 1 Circuit Breaker 1 Automatics Clip 1 Rusty Key 1 Jade Dragon 1 Circuit Breaker 1 Small Medi Pack 1 Circuit Breaker 2 Harpoons 1 Uzi Clip 1 Large Medi Pack 1 Uzi Clip 2 Shotgun Shells 2 Harpoons 1 Small Medi Pack 2 Automatics Clips 1 Flares 1 Cabin Key 1 Gold Dragon 2 Grenades 1 Grenade Launcher 1 M-16 Clip 1 Small Medi Pack 3 M-16 Clips 41 Total |
1 scuba diver 1 thug 1 crewman 2 rig workers 1 rig worker 2 thugs 1 crewman 1 thug 1 thug 1 rig worker 1 rig worker 2 crewmen 1 thug 1 crewman 1 thug 1 crewman 1 rig worker 1 thug 1 barracuda 1 thug 3 barracuda 2 sharks 1 crewman 1 rig worker 2 scuba divers 3 barracuda 35 Total |