
Shadow of the Cat

Level 1

Unfinished Business -- General Hints
Because the Unfinished Business are add-on levels to the original Tomb Raider game, all the hints for the previous game apply here as well.

However, since these are to be considered "expert levels"1 you might need a few more tips and tricks. Below are a few more tips for you.
Again, we would direct your attention to the Original Weapons Guide for the first Tomb Raider game.
The enemies you encounter here are the same enemies as you might remember from the enemies from the original Tomb Raider, but here are a few more details for dealing with these enemies, which are listed order they appear in these levels.
Formerly referred to as "Panther Mummies" in the Egypt levels and in the original game, these creatures are the most fundamental of the Atlantean natives, and have been renamed because they are not bandaged here in Atlantis. They attack viciously with ferocious bites and claws. The best way to deal with these creatures is to stay as far away from them as possible or get to a safer location and shoot at them from there. As with all Atlanteans, mutants explode when they die, so be careful to keep your distance to avoid getting hit by mutant debris when they explode.
Zombies (for lack of a better nomenclature) appear nearly exactly the same as mutants, except zombies have the ability to fire fast little bolts or slower and larger fireballs at you. Zombies can also attack with their teeth or claws, but will choose to fire at you if possible. Bolts do less damage, but they can fire more of them, while fireballs do significantly more damage, but zombies can only fire a single fireball at a time. Zombies will stop moving and stand on their hind legs when they fire, and will generally choose to launch fireballs if they have a clear unimpeded shot at you and bolts if you are trying to stay behind cover. Getting to higher ground is not an effective counter strategy to zombies because they can shoot projectiles. When facing a zombie in an open area, it is easiest to simply take side flips back and forth while firing. Because the zombies will preferentially choose to launch their slower fireballs, they can be easily avoided by taking jumps side to side. Zombies explode when killed.
Winged Demons
Winged demons appear as mutants with wings sprouting from their shoulders. They are slow flyers, but often appear when you are in a area of limited mobility (like high on a small ledge). When they get close enough they will attack with their claws, but mostly their goal is to force you off the ledge you're standing on to plummet to your death. Listen for the characteristic flapping of their wings and ready weapons and search the sky for them. It is to your advantage to take them out while they are still a distance away. Winged demons, like all other Atlanteans, explode when killed. Since they are often at a higher altitude than you, often the shrapnel from their death-explosions is more likely to hit you, which is another reason why it is prudent to take them out from a distance.
Centaurs have the upper body of a mutant, and the lower body of a horse-like creature. These creatures can launch fireballs. Because they are such tall creatures, it is often possible to hide from them by ducking into a smaller room, however; because they only launch fireballs, it is fairly easy to take them out by simply firing at them while flipping from side to side. As with other Atlanteans, centaurs also explode when they die.

  1. Please note that it is Eidos Interactive that states that these are "expert levels". In our estimate of these levels, although they can be challenging, much the same way the latter levels of the original Tomb Raider game was challenging, we don't think the skills of a "Tomb Raider Expert" is required to complete these levels.