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Atlantean Stronghold |
Items: 63 |
2 (On)
Kills: 31 |
Welcome back to Atlantis. You thought you had rid the world of Natla's horde of mutants, but you thought wrong. Now you must fight you way into this Atlantean Stronghold in order to destroy a remaining hatchery. | |||
In the Corner Pocket |
A careful drop into the hole and taking your time will get you past the first trap. | ||
Down Please |
Just had your first run-in with an Atlantean nasty. Get used to having to deal with those mean beasts in tight places. Anyhow, now you want to get to the ground floor. There's no elevator, but check inside that tall rectangular building. It's your best bet to get down. Watch your step, because there's only two narrow ledges that will get you into that building. | ||
Leaning Tower of Natla |
There's plenty to do and pick up in the grounds around the structure. When you're done looking around, you should head into the lower left hole of the slanted structure. Remember to look before you leap. Can't tell how far down it is? It's always better to be "safe" than sorry. | ||
Hey! I'm Dead! |
Having trouble dropping down from the room with the two holes to the pyramid below? Here's a piece of news for you: Lara dies when she drops too far. You should know that the pyramid is very steeply sloped. Examine the floor very carefully. There is only one place Lara can "safely" drop down from, and even that place isn't that safe. | ||
Pop Goes the Mutant |
It should all be coming back to you now. Spheres that hatch monsters. Scary thumpy sounds all the time. After you've done your business around the pyramid, you'll find there's only one place to go, and it's guarded by a arrow trap. Wondering where to go next? The one place you least one to go: straight toward the source of the arrows. Confused? Don't worry... the arrows will only hit you if cross their path. Remember that old saying about how something being "straight as an arrow"? | ||
Slot Machine from Hell |
In the next room are levers galore! There are five levers in the ledge above and one lever near the transparent windows below. Four of the levers activate nasty beasts, and two of the levers open doors. Of all those levers, only one of which is necessary in order to continue on your way. | ||
Moving Up in the World |
If you've found the pertinent lever, then you've opened a large octagonal door in the large pyramid room. There's a mutant running around in that passageway, but it's easy enough to deal with. At the top of that passage, you might think you're at a dead end, but you're not. Turn around and look up. After that's it's a matter of a couple of jumps and a run up a ramp. Be careful not to fall into the lava and watch for nasty beasts lurking around. | ||
Mutant Spa |
Beyond the ramps and lava pits, you will find some arrow traps. No big deal. A few jumps will clear that danger. Beyond the arrows are some pools. Watch out for mutants, and you'll find some goodies in the pool, but be aware that the pools are a mere diversion. The rest of the level awaits in the room beyond the pools. | ||
Pull Me |
In the next room is a lever set in a pedestal begging to be pulled. Watch out if you choose to do so. The rest of this level awaits you in the room with the pool. There are two levers in that room and on underwater lever deep in the pool. You need to pull two out of three to continue. What does the last lever do? Why don't you pull it and find out. I hope you have lots of ammo. | ||
Exit and Enter |
Out one gold door and in the next. There's a beast lurking within. Once inside, you will be faced with a couple of choices. There's a lever that opens a door that will let you shortcut a section of this level, otherwise, there are a couple of levers underwater for you to investigate. | ||
Ouch That Smarts! |
On the ground of the spiked room you will find a lever that opens an underwater door. It is not necessary to enter the underwater chamber if you're not interested in getting all the pickups. If you are, then examine the room carefully because the door is on a timer, and you have to get from the lever, across a field of spikes, into the water, and then swim into the room faster than Lara is able to negotiate the spikes. It's possible to cross the room in a hurry without dying, but you will likely take some damage. | ||
Up, Up and Away |
Now that you're done wasting time dangerously bopping around the spikes, the path to the exit lies above you. To get there, you need only climb up a couple of columns and take a couple of jumps. Be careful climbing up near the spikes. It's possible to climb up without taking damage. A plain old standing jump and grab is all you need to cross the spikes again. That crevice below is just in case you miss. | ||
Methods of Death |
It becomes apparent that you will have lots of choices as to how you would like to meet your end in the next room. If dying is not your objective, then take a standing jump from the middle of the upper ledge to the bridge in the room beyond. The rest of the level lies in the "rings of fire" to the left. Ahead is just some trouble you can get into. | ||
Roof Access |
There's a passageway at the top of the tunnel with the two rings of fire that leads out onto a ledge high above the main area. It may be hard to find, but once you cross the two rings of fire, there's no need to cross back. Once outside, listen carefully. There will be an ominously familiar flapping sound. | ||
Parachuting Without a Chute |
If you are having trouble targetting that little tiny hole from the upper ledge, as I did, then there's a few things you need to know: You should start your jump from the olive colored pedistal on the larger ledge. You need to do a running jump. If you're overshooting, then you should either not jump from the very edge of that pedistal or change your trajectory with the Action key. | ||
Reentry and Splash-down |
After enjoying one of the most dramatic falls in all of Tomb Raider, it's just a matter of finding the exit. Oh, if you've activated a centaur earlier, and was wondering where it was because you haven't come across it yet, well wonder no more. |