Atlantean Stronghold |
Items: 63 |
Kills: 31 |
Lara arrives at the Atlantean stronghold by sliding down a long ramp. Walk forward up the next ramp until Lara reaches the flat ledge at the crest of the second ramp. | |||
Take a standing jump over the hole and walk forward until Lara reaches the lava pit. From the right side of the pit, take a running jump and grab to reach the stone column on the opposite side of the lava pit. Pull up and turn right. Enter the tunnel and turn right to find two separate boxes of shotgun shells (1, 2). Turn around and return to the stone column. Aim Lara slightly to the right and take a running jump from the column to the middle of the tunnel. | ||
Safety drop down into the hole and walk forward into the next passage
that leads off to the side. Walk until Lara reaches another lava pit
and a boulder will roll down from above. Wait until the boulder lands
in the lava pit and take a running jump over the pit. Run up the
tunnel until Lara reaches a larger room. Run across the room to the
other side and turn right when Lara is against the wall. Walk forward
and look down, and Lara should be able to see an alcove. Take a
standing jump down to the alcove and pick up a small Medi Pack (3). Turn around and take a standing jump back
up to the ledge above. Turn left and head forward to the opening. Head is a structure. Run forward to the right corner of the structure. There are only two small ledges there that lead to this building, so be careful not to fall to the ground below. Run onto the ledge and turn left and climb up into the window. Draw pistols and turn left and take a diagonal jump to the adjacent window. An mutant (1) will have emerged from a cave on the right. Open fire from up here until it's dead. Drop down to the ledge within the structure and ready more powerful weapons. Two winged demons (2, 3) are now flapping around above. Take them out quickly, being carefully no to let them get too close, because their explosion can inflict damage on Lara. When they are dead, climb back up to the window and take a jump back to the ledge that the first mutant was running around on. In the cave that it came out of, Lara will find two more boxes of shotgun shells (4, 5)1. Turn around and walk forward, this time to the left side of the building and turn right to climb up to the window on this side of the building. Safety drop to the ledge below and then safety drop again to the lower floor of the building. Lara will take a little damage when she lands. Pick up a small Medi Pack (6) and a box of shotgun shells (7). Safety drop down the side of the building that faces the flat open ground. The opposite side of the building faces a lava pit, while dropping down either of the two other sides will trigger a lava boulder drop from above. Now head over to the right side of the building nearest to the slanted structure with the four holes. Step up toward the slope between the building and the structure and a boulder will drop. Hop back and to the left to avoid the boulder. After it has rolled past, run up the slope that the boulder came down from and vault up to a sloped ledge at the top. Turn right and take a standing jump over a steep slope. Run forward and vault up to the top ledge and grab another box of shotgun shells (8). Continue running forward until Lara reaches a corner. Turn right and slide down to the bottom of the ramp. Turn left and climb up to the ledge above. Turn right and step forward, and climb up onto the stone ledge on the right. Step forward again and climb onto the higher stone column. Ready weapons and look around above, because a winged demon (4) will arrive. After killing it, turn and face the three stone columns against the wall. Take a running jump and grab to reach the lowest of the three columns. If Lara misses, it's no big deal, just jump and climb onto the lowest column. Turn right and step forward to pick up another box of shotgun shells (9). Safety drop form the lowest column back to the ground and turn around. Run diagonally to the left where there is a low stone block with a large Medi Pack (10) sitting on it. Run and take a jump onto the stone and draw pistols. A mutant (5) will emerge from the right. Kill it from the relative safety of this block and when it's dead grab the Medi Pack. Step off the block toward the alcove that the mutant appeared from, and in the left corner is a small Medi Pack (11) for Lara to grab. Turn around and exit this alcove. Turn right and run back toward the low block, running past it toward the gold door in the far wall. When Lara approaches the door, turn left and climb onto the stone column and draw pistols. Turn left to find another mutant (6) running around on the ground below. Kill it from the safety of the column. When the beast is dead, drop down to the ground and head toward the path that leads to the lower of the four holes in the slanted structure. Run up the slope and hang from the edge of the ramp leading to the hole. Shimmy to the right as far as possible and safety drop down the hole. Lara will take a bit of damage when she lands. Drop down from the slope that Lara landed on to the floor below. Be careful not to drop down the two holes yet. Take standing jumps from the lower ledge up to the central structure with the fleshy webbing and retrieve two small Medi Pack (12, 13) from two of the surfaces. If Lara has less than half of her health remaining, use a Medi Pack now. While Lara is standing on the middle of the lower ledge facing the central structure with the transparent fleshy windows, look down at the ground carefully. To the right the floor slopes down toward the ledge she is standing on. Turn right and stand on that block and face away from the hole. Hang from the floor and shimmy to the right until Lara is hanging from the lowest point of the floor. Safety drop down to the pyramid below, taking a significant amount of damage when Lara hits the pyramid. Dropping onto the pyramid from any other location in the room above would have resulted in instant death. Turn right and run forward to the pedestal and collect a box of shotgun shells (14). Turn around and run to the opposite pedestal and climb up to obtain a small Medi Pack (15). Turn left and run to the next pedestal and climb on to obtain another box of shotgun shells (16). Draw weapons, turn left again and drop off the pedestal. Step forward and the sphere will explode and produce a zombie (7). Jump side to side while firing to kill it. With weapons still drawn, run forward to the next pedestal, and as Lara approaches it, the sphere ahead will explode and produce another zombie (8). Again, jump side to side to kill it. Climb onto the pedestal and grab another box of shotgun shells (17). When Lara picks up the box of shotgun shells, another zombie (9) will drop from one of the holes above to a fleshy red block near the pyramid. Turn left, ready weapons, and drop to the ground. Step forward and Lara should be able to take aim on the zombie using the pyramid for cover. Fire until the zombie explodes. Run forward past the pyramid to the passageway beyond. As Lara approaches, an arrow trap will activate. Though not necessary, it is recommended that Lara run forward and take a running jump over the arrow trap, and past the bubbling lava to the far end of the chamber to activate a sphere, and turn left and run forward to activate a second sphere. Turn left and run forward, taking another running jump over the arrow trap. Turn around and walk toward the arrows and turn right and walk along the path of the arrows, but staying safely to the right of them. Walk all the way to the column that is source of the arrows. Turn right and drop down to the ledge below and run counterclockwise around the column down the spiral stairs. Ready weapons when Lara gets to the bottom. There will be a mutant (10) guarding the next hallway when Lara reaches the bottom. Kill it from the foot of the stairs and proceed forward down the ramp. When Lara reaches two yellow stone columns, turn right and enter the next room. There are three alcoves with dormant mutants. There are items behind them, but if Lara picks them up they will activate and attack. Instead, run forward, and turn right twice and run forward to pick up a box of shotgun shells (18), then turn around and run up the stairs that are to the left. At the top of the stairs is a landing with several switches. The first lever that is to the left of the stairs will activate the right mutant (11). Turn right after pulling the lever and kill it before it makes it to the top of the stairs. The lever in the wall behind the first lever will activate the second mutant (12), and the wall facing the same direction as the second on the far column will activate the third mutant (13). Lara should be able to take them out before they ever make it up the stairs if she pulls the lever, draws shotguns, reverse rolls and walks forward to the edge of the ledge. After disposing of the third mutant, pick up the small Medi Pack (19) from in front of the third switch. There are two other levers on this upper ledge that face each other in front of the window. After eliminating the mutants, pull the lever nearest the lever that Lara just pulled to open a doorway in the hallway below. Pull the facing lever to open a passageway in the main room. Run back down the stairs and at the bottom of the stairs turn left and head toward the windows. To the left is a lever. Pull it to activate a beast in the room outside. Back away from the lever, turn left and collect two boxes of shotgun shells (20, 21) and a set of magnum clips (22) from the alcoves the mutants were formerly occupying. Exit the room, and turn left. Run forward and enter the passageway on the right. Inside the room on the ledge to the left are two mutants (14, 15) that Lara activated earlier. Enter the room, and climb onto the ledge on the right, turn around and draw pistols. Kill the beasts from this safe vantage point. After the room is clear, drop down to the floor, turn right and vault up onto the ledge and step forward and turn left. Walk forward, and turn left. In this ledge Lara will find a box of shotgun shells (23), a set of magnum clips (24), and Uzi clips (25). Then from this upper ledge, turn left and walk forward to the ledge that is above and to the left of the doorway that Lara entered from. Turn right and walk forward, and Lara will find that to one side of the doorway that Lara entered from, is another box of shotgun shells (26). Back up and turn left and take a standing jump across to the ledge on the other side of the doorway. Turn right and step forward to collect a small Medi Pack (27). Drop down to the doorway and exit this room. Turn right and run back up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, take a jump up onto the yellow stone above instead of climbing up into the path of the arrow trap. Walk forward and then take a standing jump forward to the path to return to the main room. Run forward and to the right and enter the new passageway that has been opened. Draw weapons and a few steps into the room, a mutant (16) will arrive. Take a back flip back into the larger room and fire at the monster from there. Run forward up the ramp to the room at the top of the ramp. Boost up to the ledge into the room, and immediately turn around. Jump and pull up onto the ledge above. Take two back flips to clear the hole and the small lava pit. Turn right and run up the slope, stopping just before Lara reaches the center stone column. Ahead and below is a zombie (17). Ready pistols and either jump up and down in place or side to side over the central lava pit to kill it. Step forward and slide down to the bottom after it explodes, and collect a box of shotgun shells (28). Turn left and jump over the lava pit to the lowest ledge and pick up a small Medi Pack (29). Turn left and climb to the top of the steps and walk forward past the central column. Take a standing jump to the left to the opposite slope and turn left and walk forward to the end of the slope. Take a standing jump into the doorway to the right. Turn left and run up the stairs. Turn left at the top of the stairs. There are three arrow traps that should now be firing. They can be easily avoided with a few standing jumps or side flips. In the next room to the left are five pools. Draw weapons and step forward toward the pools and two mutants (18, 19) will appear. Take a back flip away and open fire and kill them quickly. After they are dead, jump into any one of the three near pools and swim down and to the right. In the lower right corner Lara will find a box of shotgun shells (30). Now surface in the back left pool for some air, and then dive straight back down. At the bottom of some underwater steps is a small Medi Pack (31). |
Now from the back right pool swim down and forward. Beyond the slanted stone structure with all the holes, there is a underwater lever on the back wall. Pull it and turn around. Swim out of that alcove and to the right. Swim to the next alcove and pull a second lever that opens an underwater door. Turn around and swim forward and up to surface for air. Once Lara's lungs are recharged dive down and to the left. She will find an underwater ledge along the left wall. Follow it forward until Lara arrives at the underwater door she opened. Swim forward into the doorway, and turn left. Swim forward and turn left again to enter SECRET #2, where Lara can pickup two boxes of shotgun shells (32, 33), a pair of magnum clips (34), and a large Medi Pack (35). Swim back to a pool and surface. | ||
Now pull out of the pools and exit this area. Turn left and run
forward into the next room. Pull the lever that is in the middle of
the room to open the two doors ahead, then immediately climb onto the
pedestal the the lever is set in. Draw pistols and kill the two
mutants (20, 21) the will emerge from the
two rooms. When both are dead, enter the two rooms to collect two
boxes of shotgun shells (36, 37, 38, 39)
from each room. Now enter the door ahead and to the left that leads to room with a pool. Jump into the pool and swim down to find two boxes of shotgun shells (40, 41) in the ledges near the surface. Surface for air, and then dive deeper into the center of the pool. At the bottom, the pool widens and Lara will find an underwater lever in one of the walls. Pull it to open the golden door above which leads back to the main area. Surface and pull up out of the water near the doorway. Pull the lever on the left to open the other golden door in the main area. Reverse roll, and then pull the opposite lever, which will release two mutants (22, 23) and two zombies (24, 25). Immediately reverse roll and run forward and take a running jump to the base of the stairs on the other side of the pool. The enemies will not cross the water, and Lara is relatively safe here. Draw pistols and open fire on the Atlanteans as they enter the room. Take standing jumps across the pool and back flip back to the steps to lure the monsters out. If the zombie enters the room and begins to fire at Lara, then jump forward [not backward] across the pool toward the zombie and Lara will be safe behind the corner of the doorway. The monster should run away when she does, then back flip to void other beasts that may be lured by her presence. When all four beasts are dead, exit this room and turn left. Run across the room and enter the other passage, which is the one the four creatures emerged from. Enter the passage and turn right, and then left. On the left wall is a lever. Pull the lever to open the door on the right. Enter the doorway and turn left to collect two small Medi Packs (42, 43). Turn around and return to the room with the pool. Take a jump across to the foot of the stairs. Run forward and climb onto the ledge in the corner. Turn left and climb the next two ledges, and turn left again and climb the final steps to exit this area and return to the main area. Draw weapons and turn left and head toward the second gold door. Inside and to the left is another zombie (26). Stay back, using the doorway as cover and shoot at the creature as it runs into view. When it's dead, step forward and take a running jump diagonally to the left over the steep slope. Lara will land on a ledge behind the slope. Turn right and climb up to the alcove that the zombie was formerly occupying and step forward to collect a large Medi Pack (44). Turn around and safety drop back to the the ledge below. Turn around and face the ledge to the right. Walk forward until Lara is at the very corner and reverse roll off the ledge to land in the alcove to the right. If Lara misses the ledge, attempt to grab the ledge before falling down. Once on the ledge, Lara can pick up a box of shotgun shells (45)2. Drop into the water, and Lara will find two underwater levers. Turn around and face away from the levers. There is a stone column that rises from the middle of the pool. Swim counterclockwise around the column to find magnum clips (46) on the other side of the column. Continue swimming forward and when Lara reaches the wall, turn left and swim deeper into a depression in the floor to find more magnum clips (47). Now return to the two levers and pull the left lever, which opens the translucent door on the left. Turn left and then right to swim into the doorway and swim down to pick up Uzi clips (48) and then continue forward and up for some shotgun shells (49), then return to the levers and surface for air. Now pull the right lever, which opens the webbed door on the right. Surface for air before proceeding. Swim to the right and enter the doorway which will close as Lara passes through. Turn left and swim forward and pick up the shotgun shells (50) which will cause the door to open again. Lara can return for air if necessary. Otherwise, continue forward and turn right. Swim clockwise around a tan column and pick up some magnum clips (51) and turn left to exit this twisty underwater tunnel. Swim forward and turn left and Lara can surface where the rocks are tan and mottled. Surface and pull up out of the water. Turn right, carefully walk forward and to the left through the field of spikes. Once Lara reaches the opposite side of the room, turn right and walk forward. Pick up the small Medi Pack (52) and step forward and pull the lever, which opens the underwater doorway near where Lara surfaced. The door is on a timer, so press the look key to end the view of the door and reverse roll. Take a running jump over the spikes to land on a small slope across from the switch. Lara may take a slight bit of damage if she grazes the spikes. Quickly take two side flips to the left to land in the pool. Turn left and swim forward into the doorway and pick up some magnum clips (53). Exit the underwater room and surface back in the spiked room. Pull out of the water and turn right. Walk all the way to the opposite corner of the room and turn right again. Pull up onto the patterned column at the corner, and Lara should take no damage from the spikes, and pick up more magnum clips (54). Turn right and pull up onto the tan stone column and turn around. Above and slightly to the left is a stone ledge. Take a standing jump to grab the ledge and then pull up into the alcove. Pick up yet more magnum clips (55). Turn around and take a running jump across the room to the ledge opposite the one that Lara is currently standing on. Turn right, walk onto the sloping ledge and turn left to face the stone column. Pull up onto the column and collect a small Medi Pack (56). Safety drop back down to the sloping ledge and turn left. Run forward and pull up to the ledge above. Walk forward to the edge, side step to the left until Lara is against the wall, then take two steps back. Take a standing jump over the adjacent slope onto the next slope and slide to a stone bridge. Take a running jump across from the stone bridge to the tunnel beyond and take two steps forward and a zombie (27) will attack from the left, so draw weapons and attempt to fight the zombie on the ledge, being careful not to fall into the spiked lava pit below. If the zombie in combination with the tight location proves to be more than Lara can handle, Lara can also take the first running jump across the gap from the bridge, take two steps forward, reverse roll, take a running jump back to the bridge, turn right and run forward to pull up to the ledge above. Once Lara is on that ledge reverse roll and draw weapons. When the beast comes into view, immediately open fire and it will run away. With the fire key depressed, carefully drop into the alcove below, and turn and face the side that that the creature is, and take side flips out and back to kill it. When it's dead collect the shotgun shells (57) from the far end of the tunnel. Turn around and walk to the right to the alcove the zombie appeared from. Turn around and face out of the alcove. Grab the magnum clips (58) and immediately draw weapons, as another zombie (28) will appear in the opposite alcove. Take a running step forward and then side flip to the left while firing. When the second zombie is dead, take a running jump back to the stone bridge. Turn right and run forward into the alcove. Climb up onto the alcove and run forward, taking running jumps over the two rings of fire. If possible, avoid the exact center of the rings, as that is where Lara is most likely to get hit by the bubbling lava. Boost up into the dark tunnel beyond and run forward to collect two boxes of shotgun shells (59, 60). Turn around and walk back toward the rings and before Lara reaches the brown the tunnel, turn right and climb up to an alcove. Step forward and Lara will find herself, once again, in the area with the sloping structure with the four holes. Walk to the outer edge and take a standing jump diagonally to the right to the yellow stone ledge outside. Draw weapons and locate two winged demons (29, 30) that are flying around. Kill them and then pick up the large Medi Pack (61) and more magnum clips (62). Take a running jump to the small yellow ledge and pick up more magnum clips (63), then take a running jump back to the larger ledge. Walk onto the olive patterned pedestal and walk to the outside corner. Face the structure with the with the four holes and line Lara up with the upper hole. Take a hop back and then take a running jump forward. Press the action key to change Lara's trajectory and she will fall right into the hole3. Lara will continue falling past the upper room, past the upper pyramid, until Lara falls into a pool of water in the area below the pyramid. Quickly try to locate the centaur (31) that Lara awakened earlier and pull out of the opposite side of the pool. Draw weapons, staying near the pool, and fire on the centaur until it explodes. After it's dead, find the small tunnel that exits this area. Enter the tunnel and at the end, pull the lever on the right to exit this level. |
In order of appearance: | ||
2 Shotgun Shells 1 Small Medi Pack 2 Shotgun Shells 1 Small Medi Pack 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Large Medi Pack 1 Small Medi Pack 2 Small Medi Packs 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Small Medi Pack 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Small Medi Pack 2 Shotgun Shells 1 Magnum Clips 1 Magnum Clips 1 Uzi Clips 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Small Medi Pack 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Small Medi Pack 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Small Medi Pack 2 Shotgun Shells 1 Magnum clip 1 Large Medi Pack 4 Shotgun Shells 2 Shotgun Shells 2 Small Medi Packs 1 Large Medi Pack 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Magnum Clip 1 Magnum Clip 1 Uzi Clips 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Magnum Clips 1 Small Medi Pack 1 Magnum Clips 1 Magnum Clips 1 Magnum Clips 1 Small Medi Pack 1 Shotgun Shells 1 Magnum Clips 2 Shotgun Shells 1 Large Medi Pack 1 Magnum Clip 1 Magnum Clip 63 Total |
1 mutant 2 winged demons 1 winged demon 1 mutant 1 mutant 1 zombie 1 zombie 1 zombie 1 mutant 1 mutant 1 mutant 1 mutant 2 mutants 1 mutant 1 zombie 2 mutants 2 mutants 2 mutants 2 zombies 1 zombie 1 zombie 1 zombie 2 winged demons 1 centaur 31 Total |