
Level 1
Level 2

Level 02

The Hive
Items: 59
Kills: 41
Beyond the stronghold, lies The Hive. Probably no worse than the stronghold, but in case you're stuck, here are some pointers.
Chess Pieces
Lara is going to be the pawn in a very nasty game of chess. There's no real hint to give you. Spend enough time on the chess board, and you'll learn what's safe and what's not. To help get you started: The right most square just past the entry way is considered "safe" and so is the one that is two squares forward and one square to the left. Each switch opens a door and wakes up a zombie. Leaving is as dangerous as entering. When in doubt, backtrack on squares that you know are safe.
Jaws of Death
Two doors are both trapped. Take your time through the hall with both arrows and metal jaws. Take one danger at a time.
Bouncing in Hell
It doesn't seem like a good idea to proceed down the pit that is beyond the metal jaws, but that's where you have to go. Examine the problem carefully. The first slope is three blocks wide, but only two of them meet up with the next slope. There is a break between the first and second slopes that will dump you into the lava, so don't slide off the end of the first slope. Keep alert or else the second slope will also dump you into the lava. Finally you're probably got your finger pressed down on the jump button bouncing between two slopes wondering if hell is like this. Keep in mind that Lara can alter her trajectory slightly when she is in midair while jumping forward. Inch your way to the right until this nightmare ends.
Hold the Door!
After finding a few interesting items and a few nasty foes, you'll come to the two timed doors and the two olive colored blocks that open them. No trick here. You just need to move faster. The door on the left is easier to get into, but once inside, the process is harder. The door on the right is really hard to get through because of the circuitous route you need to take to get to it, but once inside, things are slightly simpler.
This is the Pits
If you are running around in a deep 'L' shaped pit in the room beyond, then you need restore your game to a previous location and try again. Your goal is to reach the pink fleshy ledge on the right. The only way to get there is from the sloping ledge below the door on the right. If you came through the door on the left, then you need to also figure out how to get to that slope below the other door. There's no direct way to reach that pink fleshy ledge. The only way involves bouncing around again. That tall olive-colored column with the sloping surface is key to this puzzle. Ready your Uzis when you reach the ledge.
Close Combat
Many people will get blown away by the centaur because it doesn't activate until Lara touches the surface of the upper ledge, and once there, they realize that there isn't enough space to move around. Do you know the centaur killing technique. If you do, then you need to ask yourself, "What can I do so that I do those jumps in that tight space?"
Shootin' Fish
If you don't find somewhere to pull up and fight back, then you're going to be the fish, the pool will be big barrel, and there will be three zombies taking pot shots at you. Deal with all the enemies from a safe location before proceeding to explore this room. The destination you need to visit is beyond the gold door to the left of where you slid in from.
Double Trouble
No one ever says two that centaurs are better better than one. Well, they're not that much worse. Use the usual technique and you'll be able to deal with the next two enemies fairly trivially. Just keep your cool and be patient. Killing two centaurs will definitely take longer than killing one.
Try Your Luck?
Four levers at the base of the columns will each do something. Actually, to proceed, you only need to pull the right one, but you'd miss out on lots of stuff. The next stop on your itinerary is high above that rock formation in the middle the pool outside. You need to open at least one of the transparent webbed doors to get in. The rest is all icing on the cake.
Triple Trouble
If you're not careful in the room with the pool and the three spheres, then you're in for some serious fireball sampling. The two spheres on the side are not active until the large one in the center already hatches. Try your best not to hatch all three, or you will be seriously out-gunned.
Rock Climbing
To climb onto the rock formation in the middle of the pool, you can first get onto it via the small rock ledge that connects it to the olive-colored ledge that is against the wall. A standing jump will clear the next obstacle, as well as the one after that, because you can't pull up on a surface that isn't perpendicular to the ground. Once you're on the upper ledge, then it's a quick stair climb to the top. Watch out for what's in the next room.
Dying to Stay
Eight mutants in a room. Once you get the lights on, then they will use deadly force to get you to stay. There's a safe spot in that room. You guessed it: that little stone pedestal in the middle. Don't fall into any lava pits getting back to it. You can awaken all, or some of them at one time. It doesn't matter too much.
The whole point of that previous exercise with the mutants is to open the other door that you passed in the hall. Guess what? It leads to more enemies. Your best bet is to hatch them one at a time. Both levers are required to open the gold door, however the gold door is on a timer, so get moving.
Ninny Nanny
A centaur guards spheres in the next room. Take it out, and then feel free to ruin a batch of budding mutants. Down the slope to continue.
Just because the spheres in the room above didn't contain any fully developed mutants, don't be so sure that the spheres in the lower rooms are also empty. The gold door at the end of the room is also on a timer. Ring and run and you'll make it just fine.