
Level 1
Level 02


The Hive
Items: 59
Kills: 41
Step forward, being careful of the two holes that open to a pool of lava below, and collect magnum clips (1) on the left and a small Medi Pack (2) on the right. Continue up the steps and collect Uzi clips (3, 4) from in front of each of the sleeping creatures on the left and right.

There are twenty five boulders hanging from the ceiling in the room beyond (see diagram). Stepping on various places on the floor will release certain boulders. As Lara continues up the stairs, the first pair of boulders will drop and roll to the sides of the room1. The entry way is three squares wide. Step forward into the room on the right side onto the first light square [4,1], which will release a boulder that will roll to a stop on the right. Turn and a take standing jump forward and diagonally to the left such that Lara travels two blocks forward and one block to the left onto a dark square [3,3]. Two boulders will be released that will roll past Lara to either side. Step forward one block onto a light square [3,4] and immediately take a side flip to the right onto a light square [5,4] allowing several more boulders to pass. Now turn left and take a standing jump diagonally to the left so that Lara travels two blocks forward and two blocks to the left and lands on a light square [3,6]. Run forward to the dark square ahead [3,7] which will release a boulder, and turn left and run forward to the adjacent light square [2,7] to avoid the boulder.

Turn right and run forward into the first alcove and pull the lever which activates one of the zombies (1), opens a door and releases a boulder. Reverse roll and ready pistols and run forward out of the alcove. If Lara remains in the hallway, the zombie will likely hit her with a few bolts, but Lara can run as far as two squares out of the alcove [2,6] and side flip left and then right to kill the zombie. Run around the boulder that came to rest between the two alcoves and enter the second alcove. Pull the lever at the end of this hall to activate the second zombie (2) and open the other door. Once again, reverse roll, draw pistols and run forward to kill the second zombie.

After the killing the second zombie, run to the square in front of the boulder that is between the two alcoves [3,6] and turn to face the other end of the room. Run forward three squares [3,4 - 3,6] and then take a running jump to clear the last two squares, landing on a light square in the entryway [3,0]. If Lara touches either of the last two squares while taking off [3,2] or landing [3,1], then veer to one side to avoid a boulder that will roll down the center of the room. Run forward down the stairs and turn left.

Step into the doorway on the right and metal jaws will activate. Carefully time a run through the jaws as they begin to open to reach the tunnel beyond. Turn right to find a small room with two pairs of magnum clips (5, 6) one each side of the room. Exit this room and time a run past the metal jaws. Cross the hall and enter doorway in the opposite wall and metal jaws and arrow traps will activate. When an arrow hits the wall, time a short run past each arrow trap, and then walk forward and stand in front of the metal jaws. Run forward when jaws begin to open to avoid the trap. Pick up a small Medi Pack (7) that is sitting on the ledge.

Beyond the ledge is a slope that slides down to a lava pool. Side step to the left and take a standing jump forward to middle of the highest part of the slope below. Lara will begin to slide down the slope toward the lava. Take a jump just before she slides off the end of the slope and Lara will land on another slope and begin sliding. Jump again just before she slides off the end and then she will land on another slope. Keep the jump key depressed and Lara will begin to bounce between two slopes that straddle a stream of lava. Each time Lara jumps forward, press the right arrow key and she will angle herself to the right. Continue bouncing and moving to the right until she reaches a flat ledge. Immediately ready pistols and turn left. Take a side flip to the right to locate another zombie (3). Continue side flipping left and right while firing to kill this monster.

When the monster explodes, run forward a few steps with guns still readied, toward where the monster was and turn right at a small flat ledge. Flapping around in the pool below is a winged demon (4). Open fire on it from the ledge. When it flies up to attack, take a back flip away from the edge and then a side flip to the left to get away. Continue jumping around and firing until it's destroyed.
Safety drop down from the ledge where Lara first spotted the winged demon, into the lava pit, to a flat ledge below. Reverse and take a running jump diagonally to the left to reach another ledge in the lava pit. Walk forward and safety drop, into a deeper pit, down to a ledge below. Reverse and take a diagonal running jump and grab to the right to reach another ledge. Pull up to reach SECRET #1, and pick up a large Medi Pack (8). Turn around and take a diagonal running jump and grab to reach the previous ledge. Run forward and pull up to the ledge above. Take a running jump diagonally to the left and grab the ledge that Lara first dropped in on. Pull up and run forward and pull up again to return to the ledge above. Step foreward and turn right.
Continue to the area to where the zombie emerged from, and pick up another small Medi Pack (9). Turn right and take a standing jump up the slope, and draw pistols. Stand on the right side, where a ledge runs forward between the two lava pits. Take a standing jump forward to spot a zombie (5) running around the ground on the other side. Continue jumping forward and backward while firing to kill the monster, and when the beast is dead, run forward and slide down the other side to pick up another small Medi Pack (10).

Turn right and run forward until Lara reaches the pool of lava. Side step to the right and turn slightly to the right. Take a standing jump diagonally to the right up to the brown block that is sitting in the middle of the lava. A timed door on the left will open, but this door is difficult to enter, so instead turn left and carefully take a standing jump from the block down to a low ledge in front of the door that just opened, and pick up a pair of Uzi clips (11). Turn right and walk to the edge of this rock ledge and take a standing jump up to the higher rock ledge. Pick up more Uzi clips (12). Take a running jump across to the other brown block that is sitting in the middle of the lava, and the other timed door will open.

Turn around and take a running jump back to the higher sloping rock ledge, turn left and take a standing jump to the first brown block. Now turn right and take a running jump and grab to reach the left doorway. Pull up and run forward to enter the room beyond2.

Walk forward into the room and take a standing jump forward to a tan ledge ahead. Turn around and walk forward and to the left. Angle Lara slightly to the left and take a standing jump and grab. Lara should clear the pink pulsating flesy slope and land on the tan slope beyond. She will slide backwards off the slope and grab the edge. Shimmy to the left until she reaches the end. Pull up and back flip off the slope, and keep the jump key depressed. Lara will land on a dark slope opposite the previous ledge and she will take a jump to the left. As soon as Lara touches down on the pink fleshy ledge, the two spheres will hatch two winged demons (6, 7). Draw powerful weapons and fire on the two demons until they both explode.

When things are quiet, turn and walk along the flesy pink ledge toward the wall that formerly supported the two spheres. Turn right and take a standing jump to land on a slope and keep the jump key depressed. Lara will leap off the slope and land on a tan ledge on the other side of another pink flesh ledge. If Lara misses the tan ledge and slides down to the pink fleshy ledge below, it is possible to jump to the tan ledge from there. Otherwise walk forward and climb [don't jump] up to the fleshy ledge above. Turn around and take a running jump diagonally to the left to land on a sloping fleshy ledge.

Run forward, being careful not to fall off the narrow ledge, until Lara arrives at a set of stairs. Above is an inactive centaur (8) which will activate only when Lara steps up onto the the tan ledge above. Climb the stairs and ready powerful weapons. When Lara arrives at the top of the stairs, turn left and face the centaur and side step as far to the right as possible. Make sure that Lara is facing squarely forward. Step forward onto the tan hallway, which activates the centaur, open fire and immediately take a side flip to the left. Keep firing while jumping right and left until the centaur explodes. When the centaur falls, it may be a good idea to hop backwards to the stairs below to avoid getting hit by the explosion.

After the centaur is dead, run forward and safety drop down the the hole, taking a bit of damage when Lara hits the ground. Climb up onto the stone pedestal and pick up the Uzi clips (13) there. Step forward off the pedestal and continue forward until Lara reaches the doorway that leads to a long slope. Step forward and slide down the long slope until Lara lands in a pool below. Immediately turn right, surface, pull up out of the pool at a small ledge, and run forward to hide from a zombie (9) that is walking around on the ledge above. Draw pistols and jump up and down while firing. If the zombie runs away and doesn't come back, do not release the action key. Turn Lara to face away from the slope on the right and take a back flip onto the slope and keep the jump key depressed to take a jump off the slope. Lara will fire on the zombie in the middle of the second jump. Repeat until the zombie is dead3.

Climb up onto the ledge above and run forward to pick up magnum clips (14) from the right corner. Turn left and continue forward along the ledge until it slopes down toward the water. Take a running jump from the ledge to the long sandy brown ledge in the middle of the pool. Draw pistols as the three mutants (10, 11, 12) awaken ahead. Open fire until all three are destroyed, and then take a standing jump and grab diagonally to the right to reach the sandy pillar. Pull up and step forward to drop down to the ground below.

Turn left and walk along the mouth of this tunnel and take a standing jump diagonally to the left up to a rock ledge on the other side of the cave mouth. Draw pistols and side step to the right and step backwards until Lara is in the near right corner. A zombie (13) is running around on the ledge beyond, so open fire on it using the cave wall as cover. After it's destroyed, pick up the magnum clips (15) that are on the column.

Turn around and take a standing jump down to the cave mouth. Turn left and boost up the three steps and drop into the pit beyond. Pick up five sets of Uzi clips from around the pit (16, 17, 18, 19, 20). Turn around and pull up out of the pit on the left side. Draw pistols and take aim on a mutant (14) that is now on the ledge outside. After killing it, side step to the right to spot another mutant (15). Open fire on it and keep Lara's pistols locked on it until it explodes.

Now drop down the three steps and run forward, dropping into the pool on the left side of the mouth of the cave. Swim down to pick up a small Medi Pack (21) that is on the floor of the pool between the long rectangular ledge and the wall of the pool. Then swim over to the rock formation with the red fleshy blocks to find two more small Medi Packs (22, 23) and a set of Uzi clips (24) stashed among the rock formation. Swim down an to the left corner of the pool where Lara first pulled up from when she fell into this pool to find a fourth small Medi Pack (25) in the corner there. Do all of this while staying away from the right side of the room.

Surface at that ledge and pull up out of the water. Climb up onto the ledge above and turn left. Walk forward until Lara reaches the tan rock formation. Turn left and drop onto the rock formation where it connects the ledge. Take a standing jump up the slope to reach the flat ledge above. Turn left and take a diagonal standing jump to the small ledge ahead and to the left. Climb up onto the flat ledge above and ready pistols. Ahead and to the left is another zombie (16) that is guarding the area in the right corner. Step forward until Lara locks onto it and open fire and step backward out of its firing range. Continue shooting until it explodes. Then drop into the water and swim down toward the area where the zombie was and swim deep underneath the ledge to pick up a fifth small Medi Pack (26).

Surface on a small ledge in front of the ledge that leads to the gold door. Turn and face the gold door and then turn further to the right. Take a standing jump to the ledge that extends out on the right. Run forward to the cavern beyond. Turn left and run toward the left wall, and pick up Uzi clips (27, 28) from each of the two alcoves there. Now pull the two levers, starting with the left one to open two gold doors to a room beyond.

Enter the room and ready Uzis. Run around the left side of the pillar ahead and drop into the room. Run forward and turn right to find two centaurs (17, 18). Open fire while jumping left and right. Fighting two centaurs is no harder than fighting a single one. It just takes longer. In the ledges between the pillars in the middle of the room, Lara will find a pair of Uzi clips in each (29, 30, 31). There are also large Medi Packs (32, 33) in front of each of the gold doors on the far side of the room.

After collecting everything, turn Lara's attention to the levers that are on the base of the columns in the middle of the room. While facing the columns with the hachery window on the right [facing south]. The left lever opens the left gold door and release a mutant (19). The right switch opens the transparent door high above the rock formation in the room with the pool. On the other side, the left switch opens the other transparent door high above the rock formation, while the right switch opens the other gold door and releases another mutant (20). Pull the levers one at a time and kill the enemy before proceeding.

Finally, enter either gold door, and ready Uzis. Stay near the windows and turn and face the large central sphere. Run forward and a centaur (21) will be release. Backflip and open fire while jump side to side. Try to stay in one area of the room, because after the centaur is released, the other two spheres will be activated, each one releasing a winged demon (22, 23). The best strategy is to only release one monster at a time, which is hard, but definitely don't release all three at once.

When the monsters are dead, drop into the pool and pull the right underwater lever, which opens a door in the left wall. Upon entering that door, Lara will find a large Medi Pack (34) and four sets of Uzi clips (35, 36, 37, 38). Now pull the left underwater lever which opens a door on the right wall. Enter this doorway to find three boxes of shotgun shells (39, 40, 41), two sets of Uzi clips (42, 43), and a large Medi Pack (44). Be careful not to get disoriented while swimming around in this room. An underwater lever within this room will open a doorway directly back to the pool outside.

Back in the pool outside, return to the ledge where Lara first pulled up from when she fell into this room. Surface at that ledge and pull up out of the water. Climb up onto the ledge above and turn left. Walk forward until Lara reaches the tan rock formation. Turn left and drop onto the rock formation where it connects the ledge. Take a standing jump up the slope to reach the flat ledge above. Turn left and take a diagonal standing jump to the small ledge ahead and to the left. Climb up onto the flat ledge above Turn right and step forward and pick up Uzi clips (45) from the rock formation. Continue forward and enter the opening on the left. Follow it as it spirals up to the left, first boosting up a small ledge and then climbing two taller ones. Lara will reach a long flat ledge that comes to an opened transparent door. Turn left and continue forward to a second opened transparent door. Run forward and climb up onto the pink fleshy ledge. Drop down the other side and pick up magnum clips (46).

Climb back over the fleshy pink wall and drop down to the ground. Draw Uzis and Run past the near doorway, and enter the far one and turn left and take aim at a mutant (24). Keep firing and moving until it explodes. One thing that Lara can try is to enter the room, then hop backward and turn left and take a running jump up to the fleshy pink ledge to fight this creature. Once the creature is dead, locate a bright ledge and pull up onto it. Turn right and grab the small Medi Pack (47) on that ledge, then turn around and drop back to the ground below.

Run forward into the tunnel ahead and pick up two boxes of shotgun shells (48, 49) along the way. Run to the end of the tunnel, where the far door will open automatically as Lara approaches it. Enter the doorway to find a dark room with several inactive mutants inside. Run forward and collect the shotgun shells (50) on the floor. Turn right and run forward to pick up a second box of shotgun shells (51) on the floor. Turn right once more and run forward to collect the a third box of shotgun shells (52) from the floor of the room. Now boost up onto the pedestal in the middle of the room and pick up the four boxes of shotgun shells (53, 54, 55, 56) there. At some point, picking up one of the shells will turn on the lights in the room.

Now turn and face the exit door. Take a diagonal running jump over the small lava pit towards the door, and before reaching the columns that are near the doorway, reverse roll and take a running jump back to the pedistal. Ready pistols because the first five mutants (25, 26, 27, 28, 29) should now be activated. From the pedestal, open fire on them. When they have all run away, take a standing jump down to the floor and an back flip back onto the pedestal to lure them back. When these are dead, take another running jump and reverse roll, this time between the two columns that flank the doorway. Reverse roll and take a running jump back to the pedestal in the middle of the room. At least two more mutants (30, 31) should have been activated. Kill them the same way as the others. To activate the last one, Lara must actually reach the open door, so take another running jump over the lava pit, run until Lara reaches the door, reverse roll, run back into the room, and take a running jump back onto the pedistal. Kill the last mutant (32) that awakens.

Exit this room through the doorway that Lara entered from, and the other door in the hallway should now be open. Enter the next door which leads to a long hallway. Run forward and turn left to enter a room with four spheres. They are all dormant until Lara runs past the middle of the room, so activate them by running all the way to the gold door. Reverse roll and side step to one side. Hatch each sphere, one at a time, by taking a standing jump towards it, and then back flipping away. Each sphere will release a winged demon (33, 34, 35, 36) which Lara can kill very quickly with Uzis and jumping side to side. After the room is cleared, return to the two levers near the entrance to this hallway. Stand squarely in front of one lever, pull it, reverse roll, run to the other lever, pull it as well, then reverse roll again, and run for the gold door, which is on a timer. Draw Uzis before entering the room.

A centaur (37) awaits Lara in the next room. Open fire on it and jump side to side to avoid it's fireballs. When it's dead, continue to the opposite end of the room. The dormant spheres will then activate, but none of the spheres contain any monsters, so if Lara goes back to hatch them, nothing will emerge.

Run down the ramp at the far end of the room, and turn left. Run further down a second ramp and pick up two Uzi Clips (57, 58) and a large Medi Pack (59). Turn around and run back to the end of the first ramp and cross it and drop down to the room beyond. There are eight spheres in this room, but not all of them contain monsters. It's still a good idea to hatch them one at a time, and be careful of the lava pits. There are mutants (38, 39) in the second and fourth spheres on the left, and there are mutants (40, 41) in the first and third spheres on the right.

When the mutants are dead, return to the switch at the base of the slope. Pulling the switch will open the gold door at the far end of the room. The gold door is on a timer, so pull the lever, take two hops back, and turn left. Run forward, taking a couple of running jumps to hurry Lara along. Take an angled running jump to the right to reach the narrow walkway. Run forward through the doorway and slide down the ramp. If Lara is in the exact center of the slope, then the five spheres will hatch, but will they won't contain any monsters. The truly compulsive can reverse roll onto the ramp and slide down the ramp backwards. The spheres can be hatched when Lara shimmies left and right. After Lara drops into the pool below, swim through the underwater tunnel to exit the hive.

In order of appearance:
1 Magnum Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
2 Uzi Clips
2 Magnum Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Uzi Clip
1 Uzi Clip
1 Uzi Clip
1 Magnum Clip
1 Magnum Clip
5 Uzi Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
2 Small Medi Packs
1 Uzi Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
2 Uzi Clips
3 Uzi Clips
2 Large Medi Packs
1 Large Medi Pack
4 Uzi Clips
3 Shotgun Shells
2 Uzi Clips
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Uzi Clips
1 Magnum Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
2 Shotgun Shells
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Shotgun Shells
4 Shotgun Shells
2 Uzi Clips
1 Large Medi Pack

59 Total
1 zombie
1 zombie
1 zombie
1 winged demon
1 zombie
2 winged demons
1 centaur
1 zombie
3 mutants
1 zombie
1 mutant
1 mutant
1 zombie
2 centaurs
1 mutant
1 mutant
1 centaur
2 winged demons
1 mutant
5 mutants
2 mutant
1 mutant
4 winged demons
1 centaur
4 mutants

41 Total

  1. The coordinates listed in the instructions that follows assumes the near corner left corner as square [1,1] and the far right corner as [5,7]. To see a diagram of the room with the coordinates, please view this page.
  2. The part in the next room is easier if you managed to get into the timed door on the right, however getting into the right door involves a standing jump from the first brown block down to the lower ledge, then a running jump over the sloped rock to a rock ledge beyond, then running to the left, a running jump and grab to reach the block in front of the open doorway, then pull up, turn right and finally running inside. At this point it would only be necessary to slide down the brown slope backwards, however, getting into the door is much harder. If you entered through the left door, you will also find a lever on the left wall that opens the timed door so you can climb out and try to climb in the other way.
  3. Lara will hit the stone column opposite the slope face first every time she jumps. Although she takes no damage when she hits the rock column, you may start to feel bad for her after a while. Just deal with it.