
Level 2
Level 3

Level 3
Level 4

Lost Valley
Items: 16
Secrets: 5 (On)
Kills: 13
The Lost Valley is also quite straight forward. The only issue may be that you might have difficulty locating all the machine cogs.
My What Sharp
Teeth You Have
T-rex. He's big. He's mean. And he'll swallow you whole if you stand around and let him. There are two important things you must remember about him: 1) He's big... really big... sometimes too big, and 2) He can hurt you with his tail. What does that mean to you? Primarily that he's too big to chase you into a tunnel, for example, but he can swipe you with his tail if you don't duck far enough into the tunnel and he can't lean down to bite you in that little space that you slid into at the beginning of the valley, but he'll try real hard.
A Few Loose Screws
Three cogs. The machine needs all three of them, now get going. If you haven't met T-Rex, you're nowhere near finding them. More hints: Here's this big temple, and there's nothing in it? If this is to be a challenge, you think the next cog will be in a easy place to get to or a hard place to get to? All three cogs are somewhere in the valley. Make sure you've looked everywhere.
We'll Break That
Bridge When We
Get To It
Surely you must have guessed you had to get across the broken bridge, right? The way to get to the bridge is quite obvious, though it wasn't obvious that it would lead to the bridge. It does seem a little out of reach, doesn't it? How far, precisely do you suppose it is from one side to the other? You did go through the tutorial didn't you? Maybe now would be a good time to do it if you haven't.
A Few Loose Cogs
Now that you've got all these loose cogs, perhaps you should go find the machine that they belong in. The machine is not in the valley.
Boom Boom
There's a shotgun somewhere here. Don't leave without it.
You are Here
But where's the exit? Well, you noticed what the machine did after you put the cogs in it, right? If you didn't notice, maybe you should figure out what's different now that the machine did its thing.