
Level 3
Level 4

Level 5

Tomb of Qualopec
Items: 8
Kills: 8
Follow the tunnel until Lara reaches a large room with passages that lead in every direction. First head straight ahead up the ramp. As soon as the boulder drops down, reverse and run back down the ramp and either side jump or just run to one side to avoid the boulder.

Now would be a good place to use that shotgun Lara should have picked up on the last level. Ready it. Facing the tunnel Lara came in from, walk over to the lever. Throw the lever and immediately draw the shotgun, press reverse and the look. Two raptors (1, 2) should run out from the door that the lever just opened. One shotgun blast per raptor should take care of them.
Gate #1
Now enter the door that the raptors just emerged from on Lara's right. Lara will end up in a room with three doors with symbols over them. Head into the passage to the right with the red face over it. On the wall to the left Lara will see a brown block. Push it twice. It will reveal a second block. Push it once to reveal another passage. Run across the broken floor which falls to reveal a pit of spikes. Throw the switch at the end of the passage to open one of the three gates. Walk back to the edge of the spiked pit and do a standing jump and Lara should land safely on the other side. Return to the room with the three symbols.
Gate #2
This time enter the passage with the sun over it to Lara's right. There is a switch against the far wall. It's a trap. If Lara stands on the broken floor to throw it, Lara will fall into a pit of wolves taking damage from the fall. Instead, stand just in front of it, step onto the broken floor and then step off allowing it to fall. Turn around and face away from the pit, and step back into the pit and grab the edge of the pit. While hanging, draw the weapon of choice. A shotgun again will be the most effective here. Release and fall into the pit and take out the three wolves (3, 4, 5) taking minimal damage.

Go up one ramp, and pull the brown block out and then take a standing jump to one side of the block and push the block to reveal a passage. Climb up the stairs and fall into a small pit and pick up a small Medi Pack (1). Continue climbing up the tall steps. Until Lara gets to a switch. Throw the switch and grab the small Medi Pack (2), then do a safety drop down the hole across from the switch. Turn around and reenter the room with the three symbols.
Gate #3
This time enter the passage with the bird over it on Lara's right. Enter a room with a switch. Ignore switch for now and drop down to the floor of the next room with the two bird blocks and the spikes in one corner. Enter the passageway on Lara's left and climb up a series of stairs until Lara reemerges in the main room standing on top of one of the bird blocks. Walk to the right edge of the bird block and do a standing jump and grab to get Lara to pull herself up into the next passage. Continue climbing and pulling up and continue down the passage until Lara reaches a hole. Do a safety drop into the hole then another onto a beam. To the right Lara should be able to see the main room. Do a safety drop until Lara's back in the main room standing on the other bird block. Walk to the right edge of the bird block and do another standing jump and grab to have Lara pull herself into the passage. Throw the switch at the end of the passage.

Return to the main room and do a safety drop onto the floor of the main room. Return to the passage that Lara initially dropped into this room from, which is indicated by a small ramp. Climb up into that room and throw the switch Lara ignored earlier. Enter the passageway to the right of the switch that opened while Lara was running around earlier and climb up back to the beam Lara was standing on earlier and do a safety drop down the other side. Walk to the edge and face the bird block that has moved away from this entrance and jump back to give Lara room. Do a running jump onto the first bird block and walk to the front left corner of the bird block to aim Lara toward the next bird block. Again take a hop back and do a running jump onto the second bird block. Walk to the front right corner of this bird block and aim Lara into the passageway to the right. Hop back and do a running jump into the passage and throw the switch, opening the third gate.

Return to the opening to the main room and walk to the very right edge and take a sidestep to the left. Then aim Lara toward the near bird block and take a hop back and do a running jump and land on the bird block. Drop off of the bird block, on any side except the side with the spikes, and return to the entrance with the ramp. Jump and grab the edge of the doorway, and while hanging, ready a weapon, again preferably the shotgun if Lara has enough shells, and get Lara to pull herself up. Step forward and immediately take out the last raptor (6). If Lara was not using the shotgun, feel free to drop back into the main room to avoid injury from the raptor and Lara can either jump up and fire at it at the tops of her jumps if it is still in that room, or repeat the pull-up-and-shoot method described earlier until it's dead. Return to the room with symbols above the passages. Return to the big atrium at the beginning of this level through the passage with the yellow face above it to Lara's right.

Run directly through the atrium across to the passage that had the three gates blocking it. The passage opens to a hallway lined with idols that fire darts. Run and press jump and safely cross the hallway until Lara is past the first step of the stairs. Turn around and walk toward the right wall where there is a dart tube protruding from the wall. Walk up to the dart tube and it will begin to fire, being careful not to stand in the path of the dart and face the wall the dart tube is sticking out of.
Pull Lara up and walk to one side of the idol to SECRET #1. Run across the broken floor tiles to the far left corner of the secret room and grab the shotgun shells (3). Drop and grab the ledge that Lara is standing on and carefully maneuver Lara so that she is not dangling above a spike by watching where her shadow is.
Release the ledge and drop down to SECRET #2 and grab the magnum clips (4), then walk back to the entrance of this room. Side step so that Lara is not near any spikes and have her pull up out of the pit of spikes. Drop down to the left of the idol.
Scion #1
Draw the pistols and enter the throne room. With the piece of the scion in it. Lara will instinctively aim at the mummified guardian (7) to the left of Qualopec. Go with her instincts and fire at the mummy until it falls, then grab the scion (5), to cause part of the room to cave in.

Exit the throne room through the gate and down the ramp. Stay to the left of the ramp. When Lara returns to main atrium, immediately veer to the left to avoid more falling debris as more of the roof caves in. Exit the atrium through the passage Lara entered from with the boulder now lodged in it. Squeeze by the boulder and return to the pool.
Dive into the pool, and immediately swim down and to the right and enter a small opening that was not previously there about two thirds of the way down on the right wall of the pool. Don't waste any time in the pool because Larson will be firing at Lara. Swim into the passage to get SECRET #3, magnum clips (6) and a large Medi Pack (7).
Dive back and swim through the passage and immediately to the left and exit the pool back at the entrance to this level, not on the shore where Larson(8) is running around. From the little passageway ready pistols and pick Larson off at Lara's leisure. For some reason he doesn't shoot at Lara when she's standing all the way across the pool. After he's down enjoy a cut scene and a movie sequence.

However, for the compulsive who wants all the items on this level, do not swim back to the passageway, but instead, surface near where Larson is running around. Exit the water quickly and run forward and take a jump into the tunnel that once lead to the Lost Valley. Run to the end of the tunnel and climb up towards the entrance to the Valley. The entrance is now sealed off by rock, but Lara will find a large Medi Pack1 (8) at the top of the climb. Climb back down and return to the mouth of the tunnel and take Larson out from inside the passageway.

Lara sufficiently injures and disarms Larson. She crosses over to him. "Well, you have my total attention now. I'm not quite sure if I've got yours though," Lara chimes. Larson merely sways weakly and sulks. Lara trains her pistols on his head and prods him. "Hello?"

Larson is indignant and begins to spout, "Aw... I'll heel 'n hide ya to a barn door yet!"

"Of course." Lara interrupts, her voice echoing the smile on her face.

Larson continues to rant, "You and that driveling piece of the Scion. You want to keep it so bad? I'll harness it right up yer..."

"Wait..." Lara interrupts again, "We're talking about the artifact here?" she inquires.

Larson interjects his answer before continuing to curse, "Damn straight we are. Right up..."

"Hold on!" Lara's voice is tense, and feels it's necessary to apologize for interrupting him once again, "Sorry. This piece you say. Where's the rest?" She asks.

"Ms. Natla put Pierre Dupont on that trail," Larson replies with disdain.

Lara continues to question him, "And where is that?"

"Ha! Ya ain't fast enough fer him," Larson snaps smiling to himself.

Lara is not amused and asks, "So you think all this talking is just holding me up?"

"I don't know where his jack-rabbit-frog-legs are running him to! You'll have to ask Ms. Natla," Larson answers dripping with sarcasm.
Lara turns aside to consider what her next course of action is. Larson decides this would be an opportune moment to settle up with Lara. He lunges at her, and with lightening speed, Lara lands a spinning-back-round-house kick on Larson's forehead, laying him flat out on the ground. Triumphantly, Lara answers, "Thank you... I will."

Lara leaves Peru with her piece of the Scion.

2 Small Medi Packs
2 Large Medi Packs

2 Magnum Clips
1 Shotgun Shells

1 Scion

8 Total
3 wolves
3 raptors

1 mummified guardian
1 Larson

8 Total

  1. Special thanks to Steven Moore, Associate Editor of Game Junkie Online, for finding item #8 in this level. I've been meaning to explore the areas at the end of this level, but I would habitually take Larson out each and every time I get to the end of the level.