
Level 4
Level 5

Level 6

St. Francis' Folly
Items: 19
Secrets: 4 (On)
Kills: 23
Late at night, Lara arrives at the the headquarters building of Natla Technologies. She finds the building locked up for the night and security is in place. She climbs on top one of the glass elevators that climb the outside of the building.

Lighting a blowtorch, Lara begins to cut through the cable that suspends the lift. The sounds of her activities are drowned out by the night time traffic. The individual windings of the steel cable begin to snap. Holding on to the cable above her cut, when the lift breaks free, the counter weight on the other end of the lift begins to fall and Lara is whipped up the side of the building. Lara hangs on nonchalantly as floors fly past. As Lara approaches the roof of the building, she lets go of the cable, to let her momentum carry her up to the roof. She leans forward and lands gently on the roof, as the counterweight reaches the bottom of the shaft.

Lara makes her way to Jacqueline Natla's office and begins to rummage through her trash and her file cabinets. Lara finds an unusual book amidst the papers. It is a journal of an eleventh century Catholic monk. Sitting down in Natla's chair, Lara turns on a lamp and begins to read the bookmarked journal entry, "Relocated now to St. Francis' Folly, new temptations torment me." Lara can hear the voice of the monk in her mind as she reads, "Rumor amongst my fellow brothers is that entombed beneath our monastery is the body of Tihocan, one of the three legendary rulers of the lost continent, Atlantis..." Lara turns the page, "...and that with him lies his piece of the Atlantean Scion. The pendant divided and shared between the three rulers..." Lara compares her piece with an inscription in the book, "...which curbs tremendous powers. Power beyond the creator himself."

Lara travels to Europe -- to the ruins of the monastery, St. Francis' Folly. The words of the monk still ringing in her head, "My toes sweat at such possibilities lying so close to my mortal soul. Each night I beat myself rid of these fantasies, but it is indeed a test."

Lara climbs the mountainside to the entrance of the abandoned monastery. She finds a campsite outside the front door and picks up an empty can of beans. "Pierre..." Lara sighs, "You litterbug."

At the start of this level, notice that Lara's already got her guns out. Run forward a bit to give Lara some dodging room and take out the two lions (1, 2) that are charging her. Don't use the shotgun against these two lions. It takes more than one shotgun blast to kill each one, and both lions will maul Lara before she can get off the second shot.

After dispatching the two lions run forward and to the right to the grey block. Pull it once onto the omega symbol, then push it twice so that it is on top of the second omega symbol, then push it one more time, because Lara will need it to be there later.

Head toward the door that the block opened when Lara pushed it onto the second symbol. Ready a weapon before Lara enters the room. There will be a gorilla (3, 4) on top of each platform. After Lara kills both of them, head up the stairs on the right and throw the switch to open the door Lara came in from, then head down to the switch in the middle of the room. Throw the switch and immediately hit reverse and ready a weapon. Another gorilla (5) will mysteriously appear on the platform to Lara's right.

With Lara's guns still out, be prepared for a gun fight with Pierre, who is running around outside. Walk to the doorway and wait for Pierre to run past her. Lara may need to hop out and then hop back into the room to get him to show himself. Using the pistols, wait until he runs by, and press the fire key and don't let go. Step back into the room and wait as he runs back and forth between the pillars. Lara will take a couple of shots at him each time he goes by. Sooner or later he'll eat enough lead and run away.

When he's gone, head back to the grey block and climb on top of it. Face the yellow pillar, and do a standing jump and grab to have Lara pull herself onto it1.
Turn left and take a running jump and grab to get to the next pillar. Aim Lara at the platform to her left2 and take a running jump to land on the platform and enter the little room.

Step so Lara is just barely inside the little room, and turn to face the sloped floor on her left. Step back until Lara's back is against the sloped platform. Do a standing jump forward onto the sloped floor, then press jump to back flip off of the slope, then press jump again to jump off the sloped platform, then grab and have Lara pull herself up to the next ledge. Turn and face left and back up against the sloped platform. Do a standing jump forward onto the first slope, press jump to back flip off of it, and then press jump again to bounce off of the next slope, then grab and get her to pull herself up to SECRET #1. Grab the shotgun shells (1) and the large Medi Pack (2) being careful not to fall down the broken floor tile. Then have Lara safety drop her way back down to the floor of this room.

Exit the room, and do a running jump off the ledge back to the pillar. Turn right and walk to the edge and do a standing jump back to the first pillar.
Walk forward to the edge of this pillar and do a standing jump and grab to have Lara pull herself onto the next pillar. Get the large Medi Pack (3). Aim Lara at the ledge ahead and to the left, and do a running jump to reach it. Do two more running jumps to cross the to the last little ledge in the corner, and one standing jump to get to the door, which should be open.

Enter the door, and head to the end of the passage where it ends at a ramp down that slides down into darkness.
This would be a good place to save the game3, because it may take a few tries to get this right. Face away from the ramp and slide down backwards. Press the action key as Lara slide to grab onto the bottom of the ramp. Release and slide down the next ramp. A little before Lara falls off the small ramp, press jump. Lara will land in a doorway across from the ramp, which is SECRET #2. Grab the shotgun shells (4) and the small Medi Pack (5). Return to the doorway Lara came in from, and from the doorway, she can kill the crocodile (6) below.
After it's dead, drop into the water, and swim away from the gate. Just ahead is an opening in the ceiling of the underwater tunnel. Surface into SECRET #3 and grab another shotgun shell (6). Jump back into the water and continue to swim forward.
Surface in a larger room, and pull out of the water. Cross the room and pull the lever on the wall to drain the room below. If Lara hasn't already killed the crocodile (6), that is in the tunnel below, then hang from the edge of the platform to lure it out and kill it now. With the tunnel drained, safety drop down to the floor. Run back down the tunnel, to a set of stairs to Lara's right. Run up the stairs until Lara reaches a platform.
Thor Door
Do a running jump and kill three bats (7, 8, 9). Walk over to the other side and drop down and throw the first switch to open the Thor door.
Now would be a good time to save the game3. Make sure Lara's health is at full, the perform the following steps exactly as described. It is important to make sure Lara's health is at full before attempting to get at this secret room, because Lara will lose half of her health getting to it.

Turn and face the gray pressure plate to Lara's right. Walk to the edge, hop back and perform a running jump onto the plate. Turn immediately to the right and take a short run, then press reverse and grab Lara should end up hanging from that platform. Immediately release, fall down and take some damage, take one hop back, then a back flip down to the next level while drawing pistols in mid-flight. Run forward and kill two bats (10, 11), then run off the edge, fall down and take more damage. Without hesitation, continue running forward. If Lara did not hesitate in performing the above steps she should be able just get into the closing door to SECRET #4 before it closes. Lara may need to run toward the right side of the door way and take a jump if the door is closing in her face. Enter, and pick up some magnum clips (7) and a large Medi Pack (8). The door should automatically open for Lara as she approaches it to exit the room.
Atlas Door
Run around to the far side of the far pillar, where there is a switch. Throw the switch to open the Atlas door. Turn around and climb up onto the platform, then have Lara pull herself up to the next platform. Head forward until Lara reaches the corner. Ready the pistols, and do a standing jump diagonally across to the next platform, shoot the bat (12), and pick up more magnum clips (9). Confident players can ready the pistols, and do a back flip onto that platform to save themselves the reverse.
Neptune Door
Jump back to the previous platform and then head back to the middle of the long ledge. Turn to face the center structure, and perform a running jump and grab to return to the center structure. On the other side of the pillar to Lara's left is another switch. Throw the switch to open the Neptune door.

Turn around and walk away from the switch and towards the corner. Perform a standing jump across to the platform on the other side. Walk up to the Damocles door, and jump and have Lara pull herself up, and collect the large Medi Pack (10) there. Drop back down and walk up the stairs away from the Damocles door. Turn and walk to the right edge and face the central structure. Do a standing jump and grab to have her pull herself onto the platform. Walk forward to the end of this platform. Turn right and walk to the edge.

Ready the pistols and do a running jump from the central platform across to the ledge. When Lara lands on the ledge immediately reverse because Lara is on this ledge for the express purpose of waking up two bats (13, 14) and shooting them. Do a running jump back to the central structure, and walk forward to the corner. Turn right and do a standing jump and grab to have her pull herself onto the next ledge. Turn right and have Lara boost herself up to the next ledge. Draw the pistols, and kill the two bats (15, 16) Lara just woke up. Then turn right and face the central structure, and perform a standing jump to return to the central structure.
Damocles Door
Walk forward, and get Lara to boost herself up the center platform, then carefully drop down the other side to a small platform with a switch. Draw the pistols, and look around for a bat (17) that just woke up. Kill it, then throw the switch to open the Damocles door.

Turn and face left, and do a running jump over to the ledge and get the small Medi Pack (11), then do a running jump back to the ledge with the switch. Have Lara boost herself up onto the central platform, then climb up to the next level of the central platform. Draw the pistols, and look around for two bats (18, 19), and kill them.

Diagonally away from the Thor switch, walk to the corner and do a running jump to the ledge that leads up some stairs on Lara's right. When Lara lands on the ledge, immediately draw the pistols, and kill one bat (20) that just woke up. Run up the stairs, and walk to the end of the ledge. Do a running jump onto the top of the central structure, Walk around to the other side, then do a running jump onto the platform that leads to the Neptune door.
Neptune Key
Enter the Neptune room and notice the deep pool in the middle. Time here is of the essence, because of how deep the pool is. Dive into the pool, and swim to the bottom. Once there, Lara will notice a gate on one side, swim toward it, but upward to a opening and a lever. Throw the lever which opens the gate, then grab the Neptune key (12), and immediately head for the surface. Lara should just have enough to do this. Exit the Neptune room.
Atlas Key
At this point, Pierre returns with some pets and is running around on the ground. Avoid standing near the outside edge of any platforms or ledges because Pierre will take pot shots at Lara. Do a running jump back onto the central structure, then drop down to the platform with the Thor switch. Then drop down the center hole and ready a weapon. Run into the Atlas door, and kill the gorilla (21) inside. A shotgun blast or two may be the fastest way to deal with it. Stand on the pressure plate with the omega on it to open the gate. Run inside and the gate will drop shut. Drop into the hole on Lara's left and grab the small Medi Pack (13). Climb back out of the pit, then tap the forward key eight times. Lara will take eight hops forward. On the eighth hop, the boulder at the top of the slope will begin to roll. Perform two back flips, then take a hop back to drop back into the pit. Immediately run forward so that Lara is pressed up against wall in front of her and the boulder will roll and sail over her head.

Climb out of the pit, run forward and have her pull herself up to the ledge on her left. Get Lara to pull herself up to the next ledge, and run to the end and grab the Atlas key (14). Do a safety drop back down to the ramp, and exit the Atlas room.

Run across the bridge back to the central platform, and turn left and drop down to the ledge below. Walk around the platform and enter the Thor door.
Thor Key
Walk into the Thor room and at some point Lara will be on a low platform, and lightening will begin to strike the metal plates on the floor. Turn right, walk until Lara is against the wall, the turn left and walk forward until Lara is a few steps short of the metal plate. Do a swan dive roll5 maneuver over the metal plate, and run out of the lightening room. Run ahead and stand on the omega symbol. Lara will begin to hear a creaking noise. As soon as Lara hears a snap, hop back and Thor's hammer will crash down on the spot Lara was standing on. Don't move yet. Wait until a few large blocks fall from the ceiling, and then run over to the block on ground next to the hammer. Push it three times until it is on against the wall, and climb on top of it, and then on to the ledge. Run over to the next block and pull it three times. Climb onto it, then turn around and do a standing jump and grab to have her pull herself up onto the high pillar. Grab the small Medi Pack (15) there. Turn to the left, do a running jump and grab to get to the next ledge. Enter the tunnel and grab the Thor key (16). Do a running jump and grab to get back to the pillar, and then a safety drop down to the ledge. Drop back down to the floor of the Thor room, and return to the lightening room. Do not walk past the pillars, instead, use a swan dive roll maneuver to get back to the other side of the room. Exit the Thor room.

Run back across the central bridge, and drop down the hole on Lara's left down to the lower platform on the central structure. Walk over to the corner facing the Damocles room, and then jump across. Don't waste any time because if Pierre spots Lara, he'll start firing. Once Lara is across, run right up against the wall that is to the left of the Damocles door. Ready the pistols, because it's time to take care of those two cougars (22, 23) and scare off Pierre.

With Lara's back against that wall, wait patiently for Pierre or one of the two cougars to show themselves. Preferably, lock onto Pierre first, and shoot him enough times to convince him to go away, then walk to the edge of that platform and take out the two cougars. After the the two cougars are dead, enter the Damocles room.
Damocles Key
Don't worry about the hanging swords. Just run all the way through the room and stand on the omega symbol in the back to open the door. Enter the room and climb up and grab the Damocles key (17), then have Lara pull herself up on to the platform on top of the pillars, and grab the shotgun shells (18) and the small Medi Pack (19). Now the hard part is exiting the Damocles room. The swords are now slowly rotating, which indicates that they have been activated. As Lara steps through the room, she will hear little snaps as swords fall down to impale her. The trick is to not get skewered, by taking a step forward and immediately hopping back to avoid a sword. The first sword will fall through the ceiling of the doorway and stab down in the middle of the omega symbol, so don't think Lara is safe in the doorway. Repeat the cautious walk until Lara are clear of the Damocles room.

Once Lara is clear of the room, do a safety drop down to the floor. Walk over to the locks and use the keys she's collected. If it is not obvious which key to use in which lock, then note that the keys fit in the following order from right to left: First the Thor key, second the Damocles key, third the Atlas key, and finally the Neptune key. With all four keys used, Lara can exit this level.

5 Small Medi Packs
4 Large Medi Packs

2 Magnum Clips
4 Shotgun Shells

1 Atlas Key
1 Damocles Key
1 Neptune Key
1 Thor Key

19 Total
14 bats
1 crocodile
4 gorillas
4 lions/cougars

23 Total

  1. This first jump and grab that gets Lara from the block to the column has given many people significant problems. The reason is because the height of the column and the close proximity of the column requires that the timing of the jump and grab to be very precise. You must press the action key almost simultaneously with the jump and forward keys in order to grab the column. The slightest delay will cause Lara to crash into the column and fall down. Make sure Lara is standing at the very edge of the block and perform a standing jump and grab by pressing the jump, forward, and action keys in quick succession.

  2. Thanks to Emiliebeth C. for pointing out a dyslexic right, which was sitting here for the longest time, that should have been a left.

  3. We recognize the fact that for console players there may not be save game gems anywhere nearby. These save game suggestions are more relevant to PC users who can save anywhere. Console users, if they can find a save game gem sometime before this point, may wish to hold onto it until they reach this place.

  4. If you have SECRETS turned ON, and you are still reading this text, then you have some JavaScript incompatibilities. Ignore this paragraph and move on to the next.

  5. The dive and roll is the only jump that can safely cross the Thor's lightening bolts without getting Lara zapped. Site Trivia: I'm pretty proud to have been one of the first to publicize the fact that this jump gets Lara across the room without damage. I had e-mailed the authors several other Tomb Raider help web sites to notify them of this fact, but very few people put up my suggestion, and still claimed on their web sites that Lara must take damage crossing this room. This was one of the original reasons I wrote up my own walkthrough and put up this web site.