
Level 11
Level 12

Level 13

Sanctuary of Scion
Items: 29
Secrets: 1 (On)
Kills: 15
Start this level by running down the stairs into the next room. The door will close behind Lara, after she passes through. Then pick up the two sets of magnum clips (1, 2) in the two corners of the room. Then ready some weapons. Run forward up the steps until Lara is just past the door posts and stop. As soon as Lara sees the two mummies (1, 2) and locks her sights, start firing and hopping backward to avoid them. Keep moving while firing until both are dead.

Continue up the stairs into the room at the top of the stairs. Head toward the dark corner and pickup more magnum clips (3). Turn left and boost up onto the step then climb up onto the ledge. Jump and climb up to through the hole to the ledge above. Lara will find herself on the back of a huge sphinx.

Run forward and then turn around to the right and run forward along the sphinx's shoulder until Lara drops down a step to the front of its left shoulder. Do not step too far forward or Lara will fall off its shoulder onto the paw below. Drop down to the ledge to her left, and keeping Lara's back to the wall, from this safe vantage point, ready a weapon, look for the zombie (3) below and kill it. Be careful because these guys now launch fireballs and little bolts.

After it's dead, step forward and drop down onto the paw, and continue forward until Lara slides off the front of the paw. Directly ahead of Lara is a short slanted stone in between to tall stone columns. Climb into the stone alcove, face the yellow column on her left and climb up. Once on the yellow column, back flip onto the opposite column, then do a standing jump and grab to get to the next ledge.

Turn to the right and climb up onto the next stone above Lara, then turn right again and take a standing jump to the next stone platform, and a running jump and grab to get to the next stone platform. Turn left and jump and climb up to the next stone platform above her, and then turn right and boost onto the next stone and pick up the magnum clips (4). Turn around and take three standing jumps to cross the next couple of stone platforms, and then drop down the the ledge below.
Switch #1
Run forward along the ledge, then to the left until Lara reaches the switch. Throw the switch, reverse, and ready a weapon. The flapping sound Lara hears will indicate the approach of a winged demon (4). Kill it as soon as it is within range, and if it gets too close, take a standing jump to the left along the ledge. Do not let it land on the ledge, because if it does, it will push Lara off of the ledge.

After dispatching the demon, return to the ledge in front of switch if Lara has left the ledge, and walk to the corner closest to the ledge and to the the left. Hop back and take a diagonal running jump to reach a stone outcropping and pick up the shotgun shells (5). Turn around and take a running jump and grab to get to the stone ledge across from Lara. Once there, walk over to the right and pick up the shotgun shells (6). Back up and safety drop off the slanted ledge to the ledge below which is against the stone rock face. Take a step forward, turn to the right and safety drop to the slope below, then slide down the slop, grabbing the edge of the slope, and safety drop to the floor.

Run around the floor to the other side of the sphinx, where there is a sandy slope and some random rocks that jut up in the sand. There is only one short one on the right that Lara can climb onto, so do it, and then take a diagonal running jump to the next stone that is against the rock face. Climb onto the stone ledge above it, and then take a running jump and grab to the shorter of the two stone columns in front of Lara. It should be the one on the right. Turn around and take a running jump to the taller stone column, then jump up and grab the stone ledge above the column and climb up onto it. Run forward until Lara hears the snapping of metal jaws, and then walk around the corner, time a jump through the jaws, and pick up the small Medi Pack (7). Continue walking along the ledge until Lara reaches a gap. Take a running jump to get to the ledge with another switch.
Switch #2
As expected, after throwing the switch, reverse and ready weapons. Listen and look for the flapping demon (5) and kill it. Once it is dead, walk back to the front of the switch and turn right. Take a standing jump down to the ledge below and pick up the large Medi Pack (8), and then walk forward and safety drop down off the ledge to the sloped rock below. Slide down two rock faces until Lara is back on the ground. Turn around and run along the side of the sphinx and pick up the magnum clips (9). Then continue forward into the tunnel, which is behind one of the doors that Lara opened earlier.
Sapphire Key
When Lara reaches the slide, turn around and slide down the backwards, grabbing the edge when Lara reaches the bottom. Shimmy to the left until Lara can release and drop down to the brick platform. Grab the magnum clips (10) and climb up the steps. Lara can either drop down the steps part way up the steps or she can climb to the top of the stairs and slide down, but either way, jump into the water and swim to the bottom to pick up a Sapphire Key (11). Exit the water at the steps and climb up the tall steps, then turn left and climb to the top of the short steps.

Slide down the ramp and when Lara reaches the very bottom, jump and grab the gold bridge in the middle of the room. Walk over to the key hole on her right and use the sapphire key to open the door. After Lara opens the door, immediately reverse, and ready magnums or pistols, but do not move away from the wall. With Lara's back pressed against the wall, look along the bridge into the room and shoot at the centaur (6) as it runs back and forth in the room. It should not decide to shoot at Lara if she is pressed against the wall. However, if it does start shooting at Lara, jump up and down to avoid its fireballs. When it is dead, run into the room.
Ankh #1
On the floor of the room pick up the small Medi Pack (12), and then grab the first Ankh (13) that is on the pedestal. Now exit the room, and dive off the bridge into the water. Exit the water at the steps, and climb up the steps. At the intersection, descend down the stairs, and drop down to the brick platform below. Dive into the water again, and then exit the water at the base of more stairs and climb up. At the top of the steps, hang a right and exit the tunnel back to the sphinx.

Run back to the front sphinx and climb onto the short ledge Lara used earlier. Use the same climb, back flip, and standing jump and grab trick to get to the stone ledge. This time, walk forward and drop down to the ledge on her left and pick up the magnum clips (14). Take a standing diagonal jump to the pass between the rock face and the stone column in front and to the right of Lara. Run forward along the rock face until Lara reaches the end, and then take a standing diagonal jump to the ledge to her left. Walk forward to the end of the ledge, and take a standing jump over a gap. Turn and face right and climb up onto the sloping stone, then climb onto the stone to her left. Take another standing jump over another gap to a dark stone ledge on the other side of the gap. Run forward into the pass, and climb up the stone steps on her left. At the top of the steps, take a diagonal standing jump to a stone pass ahead and to the left.

Turn and face left and climb up the three stone steps until Lara reaches the other golden door Lara opened earlier. Enter the doorway and take the dark passage to the right. Push the block once, and run around to the other side. Climb onto the block that Lara just exposed, and the climb up onto the ledge above. Run forward along the ledge until Lara reaches the wall just left of the doorway. When Lara gets there, she will hear the galloping of a centaur (7). Hop away from the doorway along the edge of the ledge until Lara's back is against the opposite wall and ready a weapon. Side step until Lara is as close to the edge as possible and wait until the centaur runs past the doorway, and start firing. Keep firing until the centaur explodes.
Ankh #2
Enter the doorway, and pick up the small Medi Pack (15) on the ground, and the second Ankh (16) on the pedestal. Exit the room, and drop down onto the block, then drop again down to the floor. Exit the lower room and slide down the slope to the right, and immediately take a step forward so that Lara is beside the stone pillar. Ready a weapon, and face the stone pillar. There is a zombie (8) running around on the back of the sphinx below. Jump sideways back and forth from behind the pillar to shoot at the zombie. Continue jumping and firing until the zombie explodes. Get the large Medi Pack (17). Drop down to the sphinx's back, and climb onto the the slanted block. Walk up the the highest point of the block and face the slot in head of the sphinx. Hop back and take a running jump and grab to get onto the sphinx's head.

Climb up the the very top of the sphinx's head. Walk around to the back and front of the block on top of the sphinx and place an Ankh in each receptacle. When both are in place, a large door between the sphinx's legs will open.
While Lara's on top of the sphinx's head, she can collect this level's one and only secret. Walk or climb over the the left side (it's left) of the sphinx's head and walk out to the very corner. Look down and Lara should see something dark that appears to be on top of a sandy ledge below. Aim Lara at that item and take a hop back and a running jump out into space. Lara will take a little bit of damage as she lands on SECRET #1, an invisible block that's suspended in the middle of the air! Slowly turn around and face the sphinx, and pick up the Uzi (18), and some clips (19), and immediately ready them. Two demons (9, 10) will appear and flap around, so kill them quickly before they knock Lara off the block.

Turn and face the rock face opposite the sphinx and walk to the edge of the invisible block. Directly opposite is a stone ledge that sticks out and appears that Lara can some how reach it, but she can't. Instead, aim Lara at a ledge below and one block to the left of that ledge, and take a running jump off the invisible block down to the ledge below, taking a bit more damage when Lara hits the ground. Step carefully backward away from the rock face, and step forward and to the left off the ledge into the dark chasm. Lara will slide backward down the slope, so grab the bottom edge of the slope and safety drop to the floor.
Head to the doorway between the sphinx's legs and pick up the magnum clips (20), then jump into the doorway, and fall a really long way into the water below.

Underneath the water are two statues. Facing the statues, swim down to the the left one and one its lap lies some shotgun shells (21), then swim over to the area in between the two statues where there are some Uzi clips (22). Now recharge Lara's air meter and dive all the way down to the bottom of the right statue and throw the lever and water will rush inside. Let the current drag Lara through the door and upward until she passes through a small opening and surface in a water filled trench.

Exit the water, and climb onto the shortest pillar closest to the trench. Make a slightly diagonal standing jump and grab to get to the next highest pillar ahead and to the left. Then turn and face right and take a slightly angled running jump and grab to get to the bottom of the stairs on the other side. Run up the stairs and walk out to the end of the ledge, which ends at a slide. Ready pistols and wait for a winged demon (11) to flap past. It's too big to fit through the opening, so continue to fire at it from the top of the slide until it explodes.

Slide down the ramp and turn left and walk out to the edge. Safety drop off the edge onto the ledge below. Turn around and take a running jump over to the head of the statue. Take two steps to the side and climb onto the top head of the statue. Walk around to the middle of the statue's head and turn around and press Lara as close to the ear as possible, while facing it. There is a large Medi Pack (23) that is sort of embedded in the base of the ear, and Lara should be able to pick it up. Safety drop off the head of the statue back down to the ledge at the side of its head.

Safety drop again down to the shoulder of the statue. Walk out to the front of the statue's shoulder and take a hop back. Take a standing jump forward to land on the stone pillar below. Safety drop off the pillar and onto the arm of the statue. Run across the statue's lap over to its other arm, where there is a switch. Throw the switch and jump into the water.
Swim down to the doorway Lara opened, which is between the legs of the statue on the left. Surface and exit the water at the base of a ramp. Run up the series of spiraled ramps, while picking up some magnum clips (24, 25) scattered along the way. At the end of the tunnel Lara will come to a closed gate. Pick up the Scarab (26), and immediately start back flipping away from the open gate and ready weapons. When Lara reaches the back of the tunnel take two side jumps down the ramp. This is the point at which Lara is safe and the mummies will not travel beyond.

Kill the two mummies (12, 13) by staying in the tunnel and shooting them, and jump down the ramp when they get too close. After the two mummies are dead, walk about one third of the way down the tunnel and kill the centaur (14) from within the tunnel. Hop backward if it decides to launch fireballs, but it shouldn't do so if Lara is deep enough inside the tunnel. After the centaur is dead, exit the tunnel, and run around to the gate on the other side of the stairway, and use the scarab to open the gate. Once inside, pick up the large Medi Pack (27) and more magnum clips (28).
Slide down to the bottom of the stepped ramp, and climb up into the window on the left. Now, Larson (15) is waiting for Lara inside the next room, crouched behind a pillar within on the right. He's not so hard to deal with. Ready whichever are Lara's favorite weapons, and turn and face the right and back up until Lara's back is against the wall and side step until she is as close to the edge of the window as possible. Turn slightly to the left so that if Lara side flips into the room, she will not hit the pillar.
Scion #3
Take one jump to the left into the room, and Larson will begin to make idle threats at Lara. While he's wasting his breath, pump him full of lead, while continuing to jumping side to side, being careful to continue to face him so that he doesn't get behind Lara. He will fall fairly quickly. After he's down, walk forward up the stairs and grab the third piece of the Scion (29).

Enjoy the thrill packed movie sequence that comes next.

Lara drops into a large room and finds Larson waiting for her. He draws his weapons and begins to circle around her like a shark.

"I still got a pain in my brain from ya," Larson drawls, "And it's giving me funny ideas now... like to shot you to hell!" He opens fire.

Lara is not impressed by his back-woods moves. She draws her weapons and she easily dispatches him after exchanging several rounds of gun fire. Lara walks up steps that lead to a pedestal and reaches out to obtain the third and final piece of the scion and makes her way to the surface.

When Lara emerges from the darkness of the Egyptian ruins, she is blinded by the sunlight. Lara, squinting, attempts to shade her eyes from the sun. As her eyes begin to adjust and focus, she can make out two figures standing before her. One is short and young, wearing a baseball cap backwards, and a second man wearing a cowboy hat, and both aiming weapons at her. Lara backs away from them and into a third man.

The tall bald black man forcefully grabs Lara from behind, immobilizing her arms. Lara, surprised, gasps and cries out. He comments to her, "You just pulled the tough end of a wishbone," as she continues to kick and squirm.

The Cowboy ambles over and says, "Howdy."

"Afternoon," Lara replies politely. The Cowboy, who has a smile that stretches from ear to ear, removes Lara's pistols from her holsters.

Jacqueline Natla gets out of her car and turns her attention on Lara and inquires, "Left Larson sucking wind then, eh?"

Lara answers smugly, "If that is the phrase."

Natla is unamused, and grows impatient, "Well, your little vacation riot's over now. Time to give back what you've hijacked off me." Natla extends her hand and gestures to Lara. The tall man flings Lara's right shoulder forward, while firmly holder her other arm.

"Ow!" Lara yelps, in pain, feeling as if her left arm would snap off at the shoulder.

"Let's try the lunch box," The tall man suggests, as he reaches into her backpack. His large hands produce the three pieces of the Scion. He tosses Lara back, slamming her against the canyon wall. The force of the impact knocks a grunt out of Lara. Lara looks up, with teeth clenched and burning anger in her eyes. The tall man walks over to Natla and drops the pieces into her hand. She turns away and holds her treasure close to her.

"Well?" Natla suddenly whips around and points at Lara, "Kill her!"

Lara knows this is her cue, and shoves the Cowboy aside. "Hey!" he complains. With all the strength she can muster, she runs forward and leaps off the ledge and dives into the stream flowing in the chasm below.

"You morons!" Natla yells, in unbelief. The third man, runs forward to the edge of the chasm. Leaning over the edge he opens fire on Lara with Uzis, as she splashes into the water. He waits to see if Lara surfaces.

Natla crosses over to the edge and looks down. Not seeing Lara, she tells her men, "Let's go." She and her men climb into their car and drive away.

Lara surfaces in the stream below, gasping for air. She turns and watches Natla's car drive away. She quickly makes her way back up to her motorcycle. She gives the bike a quick kick start and revs up the engine. Spinning the bike around, Lara tears off after Natla and her men. Her face is grim with determination. Following the mountain road that the car took, she deftly swerves the bike through the turns, hopping it over some of the rises. She reaches a cove and finds the car parked below. A large white yacht is moored nearby. Lara pulls her bike down the mountainside to the water's edge, just as the yacht begins to sail away.

Lara examines the course of the yacht, and the spit of land adjacent to it's course. Lara revs up the bike's engine and accelerates toward the spit. As she nears the end of the land, she stands up onto the seat of the the motorbike. She launches the bike off a slope and into the air, then pushes off with her legs and dives under the boat.

The younger man and the tall man step out of the yacht's cabin to investigate the splash as Lara surfaces on the opposite side of the boat. As the two men peer over the port side of the boat, Lara climbs aboard on the starboard side.

The tall man asks, "What was that?"

The younger man asks, "What?"

"That!" the tall man points to the ripples and the dark shape of the motorbike sinking.

"Probably just a fish," the younger man replies, apathetically. Lara takes this opportunity to open a hatch and climb into the cargo hold of the boat, while the men are distracted, and collapses from exhaustion.
"That's some fish, kid," the tall man comments.

"Man, you have got to learn to chill!" the young man sardonically, "I'm going back inside. You coming?" The boat sails off.

Night falls as Lara sleeps in the cargo hold. She awakens to the sound of a small motorboat in the water outside.

"Steady," the tall man commands the younger man.

"Here she goes," young says enthusiastically, as he drops the anchor.

"You ready yet?" Natla asks, as she and the cowboy head off toward land in the small boat. Lara climbs out of the cargo hold and dives into the water. The tall man steps out of the cabin and looks around, stroking his chin.

3 Small Medi Pack
4 Large Medi Pack

11 Magnum Clips
3 Shotgun Shells
2 Uzi Clips

1 Uzi

1 Sapphire Key
2 Ankh
1 Scarab
1 Scion

29 Total
4 panther mummies
2 zombie
5 winged demon
3 centaur

1 Larson

15 Total

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