
Level 12
Level 13

Level 14

Natla's Mines
Items: 30
Kills: 3
Start this level by swimming forward. Surface behind the waterfall and exit the pool. Run down the tunnel and throw the first switch Lara finds and then return to the pool. Swim across the pool and exit the water at the ledge by the boat.

Run down the tunnel on the right until Lara reaches a cave with some barricades. Run directly to the back of the room where there is a wooden crate. Pull it once away from the alcove to reveal a passage. Climb onto the crate, and enter the passage. Run past the wooden gate Lara opened earlier and throw the switch to open yet another gate. Exit the passage, and return to the pool. Dive into the pool and surface again behind the waterfall.

This time run to end of the tunnel, and climb onto the ledge. Run up the three slopes until Lara reaches wooden gate Lara just opened. Take a diagonal running jump to reach the ledge with the barricade. Run into the next cave, and then forward and to the right down to the next cave. Then run down the slope in the middle of the cave to reach the machine room. Lara will look up at the structure hanging from the crane. Run underneath it and grab the large Medi Pack (1). Run forward into the next room with two small condemned buildings. Run around the wooden crate, and pull it once away from the doorway, then pull it twice toward the back wall away from slope it is against.

Take a running jump onto the building, and walk over the broken floor and fall down. Run up the slopes, and near the top, throw the switch that's in an alcove on the right, which will move the boat. Continue forward and slide down the slope backwards, and grab the bottom edge. Safety drop down to the wooden crate. Drop off the wooden crate and run toward the tracks that lead to a closed wooden gate. The gate will open automatically for Lara as she approaches, so run inside.
Fuse #1
Once inside, follow these directions precisely. Boost up over the ledge and run forward to the first barricade and a boulder will roll past. Then hop backwards until Lara falls off the little ledge. Again boost up onto the ledge, but do not move forward after getting onto the ledge. Side step to the left until Lara is pressed against the left wall. Turn Lara so that she is ever so slightly angled to the right. Begin running forward, a boulder will begin to roll parallel to Lara, and take a running jump over the first barricade. Keep running and take a second running jump over the second barricade and then while making the third running jump over the third barricade twist to the right in mid air and land on the ledge to the right of the barricade and without hesitation, run forward into the doorway in the back right corner, just in time to avoid the boulder headed her way. Enter the passageway and pick up the first Fuse (2).

Run up the slope, stopping when the tunnel widens. Take a couple of steps forward, and when Lara hears the rumbling of a boulder, hop back. After the first boulder rolls past, run up the left side of the slope, and as Lara runs, the boulder on the right will roll past her. At the top of the slope, safety drop down the hole. Run past the tracks, and climb up onto the ledge to her right. Run along the ledge and enter the tunnel on the left. Follow the tunnel until Lara reaches a cave. Drop down the hole to exit this area and return to the area with the two condemned buildings.

Exit this area by the way Lara came and return to the ledge with the barricade. Safety drop off the side and slide off the block and plop into the water. Exit the water by climbing onto the boat.

Take a running jump off the boat to the cave opposite the boat. Climb the small crate on the left. Run forward and drop off the crate into the passage behind the crate, where there is a room full of metal containers. Run directly forward until Lara comes to the darker damaged container. Pick up the magnum clips (3) in the alcove to the left of that container, then pull the container out once. Then run around and push the container once into the alcove. Behind the container Lara just moved, is another container. Pull it twice out of the passageway, then pull it once away from the other container to reveal the passage behind it. Enter the passage and throw the switch which will start up the digging machine and move it away from the wall.
Fuse #2
Exit this area, and dive back into the pool, exiting on the ledge with the two steel barrels. Run back to the room with the drilling machine and enter the tunnel that the machine once blocked. Inside the tunnel Lara will find another steel Natla box. Push it twice into the next room, then climb on top of it. Walk forward until Lara can climb into the tunnel above the box. Grab the uzi clips (4), and throw the switch, which opens some unseen door. Exit the tunnel, and drop down off the Natla box. Continue forward into tunnel where Lara will reach a large cavern. Run forward and grab the second Fuse (5), but do not head any further into the room. Immediately exit the way Lara came and return to the pool.
Fuse #3
Dive into the pool and surface again behind the waterfall, run forward, climb the ledge, and jump back to the ledge with the two barricades. Run forward and return to the room with the two condemned buildings. This time head into the tunnel beside the right building, and follow the tunnel forward until Lara reaches a room with a conveyor belt. Run past the conveyor belt on the left side and Lara will see the last fuse that is out of reach. Head forward through the wooden door Lara opened earlier and throw the switch on the left to get the conveyor belt moving. Turn around and grab the uzi clips (6) that are in the other corner of the room, and exit the room and return to the end of the conveyor belt and pick up the third Fuse (7).
Exit the tunnel and return to the room with the two condemned buildings, then take a right and return to the machine room. Head up the steps and enter the control room.

Pick up the magnum clips (8) in the corner, and then put the three fuses into the slots on along the wall. After the third fuse is in place, the suspended building will come crashing to the ground. Enter it and retrieve Lara's trusty pistols (9), and then exit the building. After exiting the building, turn around and climb onto the little building, and walk around to the other side. Take a running jump and grab the ledge that is across from the little building. Pull up and enter the tunnel.
Halfway up the first slope, turn and face right and pull up into a tunnel with a wooden door. Walk inside, and stop at the top of a ramp. Turn around and slide down the ramp backwards, and the trap door will open, so grab the bottom of the ramp and pull Lara up. When Lara is standing on the slope, the trap door will close, and stay closed, so Lara can safely stand on it. Turn and face the wall on the right and pull up onto the ledge.

Drop down into the room, which is SECRET #1, and pick up the large Medi Pack (10) and the uzi clips (11), then throw the switch to open the wooden door. Climb out of the room, drop down to the closed trap door, take a standing jump up the slope, and exit this area.
Continue forward in the tunnel, until Lara reaches a steep slope. Slide down and safety drop out of the ledge and Lara will find herself back in the room with the pool and the waterfall.
Dive into the water and exit at the ledge with the two barrels, and run forward to the room with the digging machine, and enter the tunnel and return to the room where Lara found the second fuse. Now ready her pistols and run forward into the room. The Cowboy (1) is waiting for her on the right side of the room, so start pumping him with lead as soon as he starts talking. The cowboy will say, "Ain't nuthing personal," and begin to fire on Lara. When he starts shooting, jump backward towards the entrance, and if he stays in the far side of the room, try to use the pillar of stone in the middle of the room on the right to protect Lara from his bullets. If he approaches, then retreat into the tunnel for cover. Keep firing until he goes down. Avoid hopping around like a lunatic in the room Lara found him in because there are lava vents that she might fall into.
After the Cowboy is dead, go over and collect the magnums (12) and if Lara's not in the room he was in, then she should go to it. Walk over to the back of the room where there is a river of lava below and walk to the right side of the ledge. If Lara looks down, there is a ledge below. Safety drop to that ledge. Hop backwards and hang from the outer edge of small ledge which faces the river of lava and release and immediately grab the ledge below1. Pull up and pick up the small Medi Pack (13) and grab the crevice and shimmy to the right. Release when Lara reaches the end of the crevice and walk around the corner where there is another crevice that Lara can grab and shimmy over to the right and release when Lara reaches the ledge at the end.

Turn and face right and walk to the very edge and take a standing jump and grab to reach the crevice across from Lara. Shimmy to the right until Lara reaches the end and release. Run forward up into the tunnel, and slide down the ramp at the end. Exit on the right and Lara will now be right at edge of the lava. Walk along the ledge to her left and take a standing jump to reach the block in the middle of the river of lava. Turn left and walk out to a room with stone pillars jutting out of the lava. Take a running jump diagonally to the right to reach the first pillar. Then take another running jump diagonally to the left to reach the central pillar.
Turn and face right, where Lara will find a tunnel. Take a running jump into the tunnel and immediately start pushing the wooden crate forward. Lara should just barely avoid a boulder headed her way.
Run around to the right side of the crate to enter SECRET #2. Pull the crate once away from the wall. Climb up the hole above where the crate was and scattered around the room, pick up some uzi clips (14) and a large Medi Pack (15). Now take a standing jump to the tunnel that leads away from the room, and head down the tunnel and drop down the hole at the end. Head toward the boulder and along the way pick up more uzi clips (16), the shotgun (17), and another large Medi Pack (18).

Return to where Lara dropped down from, and climb up into the tunnel. Follow the tunnel back to the secret cave, take a diagonal standing jump back to the cave, and then safety drop down the hole on the right. Take a running jump out of the tunnel back to the pillar in the middle of the lava.
Take a running jump diagonally to the right to the next pillar, and then a running jump diagonally to the left to get to the the next pillar. Finally, one more running jump diagonally to the left will land Lara on the short pillar at the end. Step forward off the pillar and walk into the tunnel ahead of her. Slide down the ramp backwards and safety drop to the ledge below. Turn around and take a standing jump and grab to get across the lava pit.

Continue forward into the next room where Lara will find lots of crates of dynamite. There is one in the corner that is damaged, pull it once away from the corner. Run around to the right side and pull it once away from the wall. Now pull it four times until the crate is in the next room. Then run around the crate and push it twice more until it will go no further. Now climb onto the crate and take a standing jump and grab to get to the tunnel on the left. Run up the slope and climb onto the ledge at the top.

At the top Lara will be faced with a decision. Take a running jump to the sloped ledge on the right and wait for a boulder to roll past and fall into the lava pit. Then take another running jump to cross the lava pit. Run forward into the tunnel, and exit the tunnel back in the room with the lava river. Head up the ledge along the right, grab the magnum clips (19) and throw the switch at the top.

Run back down the ledge and into the tunnel and return to the lava pit with the sloped edges. Take a running jump to the left and another running jump to return to the other side of the pit. Drop down the ledge and run back down to the bottom, and drop down into the room where the crate of dynamite was. Run up the newly blasted stone slope on the left and take a standing jump at the top to clear the debris.
Skateboard Dude
Now slide down the other side and turn right at the bottom. Run forward and without hesitation as the skateboard dude (2) appears, run forward into the room and turn left at the second pillar. When fighting the skateboard dude, it is very dangerous to jump around too much, because of all the lava pits. He moves fast, but try to keep Lara facing him. When Lara starts to score hits on him, he will begin his annoying tirade, "You firin' at me? You firing at me? Huh? Ain't nobody else here, so you must be firin' at me!"
Rather than deal with all that, upon sliding down to the ground and turning right, immediately run forward, without hesitation, along the left side of the wide ledge and when Lara passes another pair of pillars veer to the left drop down into a small pool. Swim forward to into SECRET #3, the wooden door, which opens automatically for her, and pick up a small Medi Pack (20), a large Medi Pack (21) and some uzi clips (22). Swim back past the wooden door and surface immediately. Exit the water at the small ledge and climb up to the next two ledges. Lara can hear skateboard dude rolling around outside, so climb up the last ledge, and stay toward the back of the ledge, ready weapons and wait for skateboard dude to roll past. Fire at him as he rolls past until he drops. After he's dead, safety drop back down to the floor of the room. Pick up the uzi clips (23) at her feet, and walk forward, then turn right and follow the narrow ledge around the pool and continue following the narrow ledge along the wall and pick up more uzi clips (24). Walk back to the wide ledge, and turn right. Run through the middle of the room and up the wide ledge on the other side. Turn right after Lara passes the second set of pillars and collect still more uzi clips (25).
Be sure to pick up the uzis (26) off of the guy. Exit this room through the small tunnel opposite the one Lara entered from. The tunnel opens to a wider tunnel on the left. Run straight forward until a boulder rolls toward her. Stop and jump to one side. Take a few steps forward and a second boulder will begin to roll toward her, take a jump sideways, and a third boulder will begin to roll. When the second boulder rolls past, jump back and allowing the third boulder to roll past. Walk the remainder of the way to the top of the slope, stopping short of the last couple of steps to allow a fourth boulder to roll in from the doorway on the left. Walk out through thedoorway that the boulder emerged from.

Run up the slope and climb up the hole into the room above. Run over to the column in the corner and climb up. It will be the only one Lara can reach. Then take a running jump to the taller column across from it. Turn around and take a standing jump and grab to get to the ledge hanging above the center of the room. Turn to the left and take another standing jump and grab to get to the ledge above. Walk forward and turn and face left and take yet one more standing jump and grab to get to the highest ledge.

Turn and face right, jump and pull up into a yellow sandy room. Lara will find a block in the room, so push it twice. Turn right and run into the alcove in the corner and and climb up into the room above. Here Lara will find another block, that she must push twice. In the next room, Lara will find a closed door and a hole. Drop down the hole and pull the block once.

What Lara has just done is moved the block that was preventing her from pushing the first block she came across any further. Return to that first block by climbing up the hole, running through the passageway into the next square room, then dropping down the hole. Run over to the block and push it once to the right. Enter the tunnel that was hidden behind the block and throw the switch. It will open the door in the room above. Climb up the hole and run forward into the tunnel. Run down the stairs and when Lara reaches a block, push it once. Turn the corner and run down more stairs. As Lara runs forward the door ahead will open, but close again before Lara can make it through. So run toward the door and throw the switch that is just before the door. Run back up the stairs, through the doorway and drop back down the hole that leads back to the first block.
Shotgun Guy
Before Lara runs through the open doorway, be informed that the Shotgun Guy (3) is waiting for her inside. When Lara enters the room, the Shotgun Guy will say, "Say 'cheese'!" There are no good places to hide in this here, so Lara can either ready the uzis she just retrieved and run into the doorway, running past him to get to some open space, and then hop around like crazy while attempting to continue facing him and firing or she can try something a little sneakier. What seems to work is running into the room and immediately turning right and climbing onto the building, and then run toward the back center part of the building and boosting Lara up onto the short platform behind the pillar that is in the middle of the building. From there Lara can ready a weapon and take a few pot shots at the shotgun guy, but he will shoot back at her every so often. Because this is a poor vantage point to shoot at him from, when the coast appears clear Lara can try to make a mad hopping dash toward the pyramid and climb up onto the side of the entrance to pyramid. Once Lara is on top of the entrance to the pyramid, she will have a clear view to shoot at the shotgun guy. He will still be able to shoot at Lara so take a jump to the side when he stops to take aim. He will cry out, "Scum sucker!" when he is fatally wounded.
After he's dead retrieve the shotgun (27) from him. Then climb onto the ledge above the entrance to the pyramid, and take a running jump to the first dark ledge on the right. Then take four carefully placed standing jumps to get to the uppermost dark ledge. When Lara reaches the top, take a standing jump to the right and slide down the pyramid and drop into a ledge below. Enter the tunnel and throw the switch, which will open the golden door to one of the small buildings outside. Exit the little cave and slide the rest of the way down the pyramid.
Pyramid Key
Enter the small building and pick up uzi clips (28), a large Medi Pack (29), and the Pyramid key (30). Exit the building, and run over to the entrance of the pyramid. Use the key to open the door, then run inside.

Enjoy a short cut scene and full motion video sequence.

2 Small Medi Pack
6 Large Medi Pack

3 Magnum Clips
1 Shotgun Shells
10 Uzi Clips

1 Pistols
1 Magnums
1 Shotgun
1 Uzis

3 Fuses
1 Pyramid Key

30 Total
1 Cowboy
1 Skateboard Dude
1 Shotgun Guy

3 Total

  1. Thanks to Peer Dahl for pointing out this simple double hang. Note that this was the first thing that I tried when I reached this level the first time and Lara, for some reason, was unable to grab the lower ledge and would repeatedly fall into the lava below. After trying again recently, I've found that the double drop does work and I'm stymied as to why it didn't work before. If you find that Lara can't grab the ledge, then you can try using the "old" walkthrough directions as follows: Safety drop down to the small ledge. Turn and face right and take a running jump down to a ledge below, taking a trivial amount of damage. Attempt to land on the left side of the ledge, where Lara will take the least amount of damage. Turn and face left and jump and grab the crevice and shimmy back to the left until Lara is below the ledge she just jumped down from, and release. Grab the small Medi Pack and shimmy back.
  2. If SECRETS are turned ON and you are reading this text, then you have a non JavaScript compliant web browser and you should ignore these sentences.