
Level 13
Level 14

Level 14
Level 15

Items: 50
Kills: 33
This huge level should present you with quite a few challenges. The idea is fairly straightforward: get to the top of the pyramid. Don't worry you will be provided with lots of hints.
Nowhere to
Go but Up
You get your first taste of what's what in Atlantis in the very first room. Spheres that are connected to pipes that are pumping slowly up and down are activated. Get too close and they explode and release an enemy. Set them off one at a time! This may not be intuitive for some.
Show You
the Door?
There's lots of closed doors in this first room. Only one of them opens automatically for you. The rest you'll have to open yourself. The webbed floor is safe to walk on.
Going Down
How are you supposed to get to that tunnel down below the transparent webbed bridge? Well, you can reach the crevice, right? Did you know you could let go of a ledge, and immediately grab the ledge below? You should have read the Safety Drops section of our General Strategy Guide.
Wet and Wild
That's what this next room is like. It gave a lot of people a lot of problems their first time through. A few things that are supposed to surprise you, but we'll divulge to make your life easier. There are two boulder traps as you travel along the slope. It may be a good idea to set them all off while you're in no rush. There is a lever in the water that opens one of the doors, but it's not activated until another switch somewhere in the room is thrown and even then, it's still on a timer. You can get from the ledge on the right across the pool to the ledge on the left. It's a move you should be fairly familiar with, only you've never done it quite so close to water before. On your second, more hurried trip, across the slope, you should know that you can skip some of the ledges. Think about how far Lara can jump.
Going Around
in Circles
That's exactly what you're doing. The big tall room with the lava pool at the bottom look familiar to you? It should you were just in this room only you were jumping across a couple of ledges below you. You should have gathered by now that the residents have no intention of just letting go your way without making an attempt to stop you. Every time you enter this room, expect resistance. Be particularly careful here because there are steel jaws to make things a bit harder. Just remember, you can duck for cover because winged demons can't enter the small tunnels.
Russian Roulette
Five switches, four spheres, and three underwater gates that lead to the exit. You do the math. If you really want to know, you'll have to read the walkthrough.
A Rolling
...gathers no moss. But it is blocking your way. There's that block that you could have used to block the boulder's way, but what good is it now? Give it a try. Never mind how the boulder magically gets around the block and back up the slope.
Slippery when Wet
And also when dry. In the room with the two spheres and the spiked canyon at the bottom, you should know that pink squishy stuff is good and slippery brown stone slopes are bad.
The Obvious Path
In the room with the mound of throbbing pink fleshy stuff in the middle of the room, you may be tempted to try to cross the room via that stuff, but you can't get across that way. Look around for another way across to the other side of the room. You will find that the desired destination is not inside the tunnel that is protected by the steel jaws, as you might be lead to believe.
It's a Trap!
No duh! It's actually two traps. More specifically two trap doors. There's also two levers and a red door between them. If you are getting a nagging feeling that throwing the wrong switch can be hazardous to your health, well go with your instincts. The bad news is that if you throw either switch Lara will be in for a nasty fall. Either trap is passable, but we'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out how to get through. One hint you might be interested in. It is possible to throw the switch and backflip off the trap door before falling in. You can try to examine the difference between the two traps to try to determine which one you'd like to deal with.
Here's Looking
at You, Kid.
The room at the bottom of the slide that starts with a tight gunfight with two panther mummies. Do not shoot at the third creature. Walk around the flesh creature a little and examine what she does. Ready your guns. Put your guns away. Run around the room. Look at the layout of the room. You will have to kill it, only not with weapons.
Hold the Elevator!
You're almost done with this level, and you have two switches to contend with. One raises a drawbridge. The other opens the door. However, both are on short timers. Keep in mind that the timer that the door is on lasts longer than the timer that the drawbridge is on.
Don't Squeeze
the Scion
Touch it. Go ahead. You know you want to touch it.